Square off in the ultimate fan showdown with FanzPlay – where sport rivalries come alive! Compete live, win prizes, and turn every game into your own victory!

Project Concept

FanzPlay is a mobile application that brings the thrill of live sports right into the hands of fans, allowing them to compete in real time trivia matches against the opposing team of their favorite sport teams. Whether you are screaming in the stands or relaxing on your couch, users can get a taste of the competition, answering questions tailored to each match to earn bragging rights and win prizes. FanzPlay is designed to engage and entertain all types of fans, turning every match into an interactive experience.

Our mission this semester is to enhance the existing FanzPlay application, focusing on delivering a more intuitive and engaging user interface that incorporates a seamless experience for both the fans and the administrators. The objective is to refine the applications usability, ensuring participants can easily navigate through the app, from signing up to joining the live trivia battles. Our goal is to provide a platform that is not only fun but also straightforward and accessible for every fan.

Building on the solid foundation established by the previous team, our group is excited to start the next stage of development, aimed at enhancing and expanding the applications capabilities. We plan to elevate the user experience by focusing on the frontend design, ensuring that user engagement and simplicity benefit greatly from improvements we plan to make.

By the culmination of this semester, we aim to present a polished, functional prototype that showcases the enhanced FanzPlay app to potential clients. Our enhancements are guided by a commitment to providing an interactive sports experience, solidifying FanzPlay’s role in transforming how fans connect with live sports. Each game becomes not just a spectating event but a opportunity for connection, competition, and celebration among Fans!