Hand-Off Plan

Product Delivery

We will share our completed project in a github repository with our client, from which he can install and run our application on his local computer using instructions provided in the github readme file. Our client has expressed interest in passing this project on to another development team for further progress, but who that team will be is not yet decided, so the client will be responsible for sharing our github repository and relevant documentation with any future collaborators.

Our client also plans on migrating to cloud services for the web server and database server, so we will provide instructions and resources on how to accomplish that migration. We have discussed with our client possible options for hosting such servers but he has not made a final decision on hosting services, so our instructions will be somewhat general. Our client is aware that these services cost money and has several grant/credit awards to offset these costs.

Product Installation

Our application is packaged using NPM and as such is easily installed by cloning our repository and running the “npm install” command in a command prompt. Running the application is done with the command “npm run start,”  which will be configured to trigger the start of local MonogDB and springboot servers as well as the React front end interface. More detailed instructions and pictures of this process will be presented as a guide on our github repository page. We will also hold a final hand-off appointment with the client to guide him through any troubleshooting with installation and clear up any questions about migration or continuing the project.