D4 Documentation Plan

User Documentation

Who are our users?

  • Users intended for the user documentation is for both the Edible Campus administrators and the public. The public includes any UNC staff, student, or visitor that is interested in how to utilize the website. There is slightly more documentation for the edible campus administrators as it tells them how to modify the data of the plants.  

User Types

  • Public
  • Edible Campus administrators

Public Documentation

  • manuals
    • We will be writing a user manual on how to navigate the website.
    • This manual will include how to go through the website starting at the home page.
    • The user manual will be a more specific FAQ.
    • This manual will be included in our website.

Edible Campus Coordinator Documentation

  • manuals
    • Same as above
  • help screens and help subsystems
    • There will be a help screen and help subsystem on the webpage. The webpage is only accessible by the edible campus director. This help page will give instructions on how to change the data for both the plant beds, plants, and the information of each plant. 

Admin Documentation

Who is our admin?

  • The admin documentation is meant for people in IT working under Botanical Gardens or Edible Campus UNC. We will still be sending our documentation to Kyle Parker, the edible campus director, but in the future there will be people working under the IT department who will be maintaining, changing, and running the app. 


  • Admin manual
    • We will include an admin manual 
    • This will include the complete description of the project. 
    • This will include
      • Introduction to Edible Campus (M)app
        • Installations required prior to running the website
        • Location/accessing the project
      • Code Maintenance documentation
        • Explaining how to run, debug, and test certain parts of the website
        • Explanation on modifying and adding to the website
  • RWADME files
    • We will be sending the GitHub repository of the website to the administrators. The repository will include README files for setting up the website.
    • This will also contain a description of each file, how to run each portion of the website, and how to test for each file.
  • Code Comments
    • Code comments will be included throughout the project with the intention of giving a description of what each method or class is performing.