APPLE Reflections

Our client, Kyle Parker, is a staff member for UNC’s Botanical Garden, the organization that is responsible for the Edible Campus Program at UNC. The Edible Campus Program runs several gardens across the UNC’s campus. Our client wants to build a website that hosts garden information, mainly where the beds are located and what plants are currently growing in those beds.

 Our project, Edible Campus m(app), will have a lasting impact on the UNC community in several significant ways. By making it easier for students to locate and learn about edible gardens on campus, our application will help to foster a deeper appreciation and understanding of local agriculture. This increased awareness of the campus’s edible landscapes can spark an interest in the broader subject of sustainable food production, potentially inspiring students to seek further education on the topic or even engage in local agricultural initiatives. Promoting healthier, more sustainable eating habits is another crucial aspect of our project’s potential impact. By providing information about the nutritional benefits of the plants in the edible gardens, we encourage students to incorporate these locally-sourced foods into their diets. Consuming fresh, locally-grown produce has health benefits for individuals and contributes to a more sustainable food system by reducing the environmental footprint associated with transporting food over long distances.

To achieve our goals of increased food awareness, education, and sustainability, we must reach out to the community to make the Edible Campus m(app) readily accessible. Therefore, we will build an interactable website that allows users to access garden information across various devices. With awareness in mind, our aim is to reach as many students as possible to further increase recognition and appreciation for UNC’s Edible Campus Gardens