
April 25th, 2023

Meeting with Coach

  • The coach suggests clearing test comments and leaving 2-4 comments on the webpage.
  • CSS should be added to modify the buttons of gardens.
  • Hand in summary is important, and we have two weeks to finish. The coach mentioned it is important to mention how the client maintains the website to change content.

April 22th, 2023

Team meeting

  • We discussed the finder presentation and made a Google slide. We will practice the presentation at 7 PM on Sunday.
  • Hu fixed the problems that the coach mentioned last week.

April 18th, 2023

  • Meeting with Coach
    • The coach mentioned the final presentation and how to prepare it.
    • Coach suggests we should send the hand-off plan to our client and ask for his feedback.
    • For the project, the coach indicates the anchor problem for each garden.
    • Fixing the problem for browser detecting on IOS.
    • The coach also suggests making a merge bot for the client to upload the Excel file. The reference is:

April 14th, 2023

April 11th, 2023

  • Meeting with Coach
    • Coach suggests adding some security checking for the comment system and adjusting the offset while the map centers the garden.
    • The coach also suggests using a web version of Google Maps to navigate, and we need to add some documents to explain our project for the final presentation.

April 10th, 2023

  • Team meeting
    • Because April 7 is a holiday, we did not make the meeting.
    • We had a brief discussion on April 10 morning.
    • Kangda Wei finished the documentation plan.
    • Hu Guo added the comment system by Nodo.js and Excel file and merged it to the main branch. The submitted comment will be saved in the ‘./comments/comments.xlsx,’ and users will be notified the comment was saved on the webpage after submission.
    • Hu also add some content to
    • We discussed the description part for each garden and the technical problem with the Excel file. We need more research on it.

April 4th, 2023

  • Meeting with Coach
    • Coach mentioned that attendance for the Tech talk is essential.
    • Coach gave two suggestions for the Tech talk slides. Add some examples to show the result of the code snippets. Add some interactions during the presentation, such as asking the audience questions about using Google map API.
    • Coach suggested we may use additional tools to help us develop the backend solution, such as chatGPT.
    • Coach also explained the hand-off plan.

March 31th, 2023

  • Teaming meeting:
    • We discussed the backend solution. As the coach mentioned, Ethan will do some research to implement the backend by excel file.
    • For the test plan, Kangda Wei will write the draft. And other members will add some content to it.
    • For the tech talk, we decide to use LeafletJS as our topic. We will do some google slides and decide to practice it on Monday at 5: 30 PM together.

March 28th, 2023

  • Meeting with Coach
    • The coach mentioned the backend plan. One way is to convert the excel file to JSON files. But we should implement it first and then ask our client’s opinion.
    • The coach also suggested that we add the sharing link to the garden.
    • The coach mentioned, and we may develop ajax JSON on the cloud app.
    • The coach also mentioned the test plan and how to do it; we may use the Robot framework—focusing on the unit test. And we need to do slides for the tech talk and add all instructions on the slide rather than live code.

March 25th, 2023

  • Team meeting
    • We could not make the zoom meeting on last Friday due to time conflict. So, we just discussed with each other in group chat of GroupMe.
    • We discussed the progress of the project and decide to show the progress to our client more frequently.
    • Our client mentioned the backend work. We should put some time to develop it.
    • Coach mentioned the APPLE refection 1 assignment. Hu Guo created a google doc and shared with team member to record everyone’s response.

March 21th, 2023

  • meeting with coach
    • The coach first checked our progress. We put the polygon on the map and some work for the user interface. Coach gave us suggestions to amend our project.
    • The coach also suggests that we consider the Leaflet as the topic for our tech talk.
    • The coach mentioned the assignment this week, and it should be placed under the assignment page.
    • The coach suggests we may need to connect with our client to show current progress and get some feedback this week.

March 7th, 2023:

  • Meeting with coach

March 3rd, 2023:

Team meeting canceled. Dominic is infected by COIVD19, Ethan cannot attend to the meeting. Only two members are available.

February 28th, 2023:

  • Meeting with coach
    • Coach amended the presentation PowerPoint, mentioned the left time, and suggested that we start thinking about the topic of Tectalk.
    • Coach checked our demo and suggested we meet the client to show it.
    • Coach gives three suggestions for the demo: 1. check the metadata on OSM 2. find a way to show POI on the leaflet. 3 find a way to present the edible garden on the leaflet.

February 24th, 2023:

  • Team meeting
    • We discussed the project process and divided each part into different people. Hu Guo: Responsive design /UI; Ethan: Creating plant classes and admin interaction; Dominic/Kangda: saving changes to site/ serverside state tracking.
    • Kangda Wei will finish the architecture diagram with PowerPoint.
    • Hu Guo finished the Ethics Assignment and corrected the index files’ structure.
    • We discussed the Midterm presentation and divided each part into different people. Functional overview (Dominic); User Interface Mock Up (Hu); Technical Overview (Ethan); Platform Description (Kangda),

February 21th, 2023:

  • Meeting with coach
    • We need to move the platform’s webpage under the page of D2. We may look at the previous team’s page as an example.
    • The architecture diagram is due this week, and the coach mentioned we might use as help.
    • Next week, we will have a midterm presentation, 8 minutes long. The coach suggested we use 20% for motivation and 80% for key ideas.
    • The ethics assignment is due next week, and the coach suggested we look at to find some ideas.

February 17th, 2023:

  • Team Meeting
    • Ethan finished a demo and uploaded it to GitHub.( Maybe, we can show this demo to the Client next week.
    • Kangda Wei finished the Platform Selection.
    • Hu mentioned that since we started coding for the project, we may need to use a uniform code style such as ESLint.

February 10st, 2023:

  • Team Meeting
    • Ethan did not join the meeting due to his job, but he said he would do a lot of work for the demo this long weekend.
    • The three of us discussed the D1 Specification and how to update the webpage.
    • We also discussed the way to finish the demo with teamwork. Kangda Wei said he would do a lot of work next week for the demo.
    • Hu Guo mentioned the example “Markers with Custom Icons” ( ) could be very useful for the demo.
    • Dominic agrees that we should both do research this long weekend for the demo.

February 7st, 2023:

  • Meeting with Coach
    • Meeting is scheduled for 8:00 am Tuesday two weeks later. Our team should work on The Demo, Ethics assignment, and Midterm Presentation. The content of the Midterm can be found on the course website “”.
    • Coach checked the repository on GitHub.
    • Coach addressed that the available links should be on the page of “Assignment” and “Deliverable.”
    • Coach suggested the server should not be a problem since the project can run on the local machine.
    • Coach also links Johns’ video to demonstrate how to give a great tech talk.

February 2nd, 2023:

  • Meeting with Client
    • We discussed this project’s user story, and the client mentioned that we need to add a function to give feedback, such as online comments.
    • The client also advised the website to keep the UNC color style consistent.
  • Team meeting
    • Ensure that we will revise the user story.
    • Created a GitHub repository for this project.
    • Kangda Wei suggested that we may finish a demo webpage to show to the client first. If possible, it could be done next week, and it can run on a local machine.
    • Discussed some rules and habits for teamwork on GitHub.
    • Dominic mentioned the potential problem of the host server. We assume the client will help solve this problem.

January 31st, 2023:

  • Meeting with Coach
    • Changed the meeting schedule to 8:00 am Tuesday next week.
    • Coach addressed that every member should contribute ideas to the user story but not one member. All members must agree with the user story and know how to implement it with the Project.
    • Coach suggested some websites to study the OSM (OpenStreetMap), such as leaflet (, OpenLayers (, JOSM (WIKI), or searching Google with keywords “OSM JavaScript” for the resource.
    • Coach suggested developing a DEMO for the client, demonstrating how to edit OSM for his purpose.
    • Ethan provided the draft of the user story based on the previous team’s work.
    • Ethan established the project concept on the team’s website.

January 27th 2023:

  • First meeting with the client
    •  Discussed the requirements for this Project
    • Discussed the format of this Project as a Mobile Application or a webpage based on cloud service. We suggest using OpenStreetMap instead of Google Maps, according to the suggestion from Coach. The client accepts this suggestion.
    •  Simple, accessible, and responsive are advantages of the webpage, depending on resources and time consumption. It is better to develop a web service.
    •  The client mentioned that the previous team needed more communication. So, we will hold regular meetings with our client to discuss the process of the Project.
    •  The client addressed the admin’s need to edit the plant during a specific period, not the user.
  • Weekly team meeting discussion
    • Decided to spend the next week getting familiar with the code base left by the previous team, understanding and trying to use the resources used.
    •  Hu started to understand user stories and do the UI design.
    •  Ethan will start working on how to embed OpenStreetMap in web pages.
    •  Kangda started to research front-end and back-end development.
    •  Dominic started to research front-end and back-end development.
    •  Understand the technical background of each person: most of you are very familiar with Python, except Hu. All have some webpage development experience. But not enough experience in back-end development.
    •  If you develop a new cloud-based web service, use JavaScript, database, or NodeJs as development tools.
    •  For the next meeting with Coach, discuss this project’s direction for mobile application or web service. Technique details about the front and back end development. Searching for reliable, affordable cloud service.

January 20th 2023:

  • First meeting with Coach
  • Discussed new tech/management apps
    • OpenStreetMap
    • Githook
    • Kanban
    • Trello
  • First meeting with client scheduled:
    • Kyle Parker 1/27/23 4:00-5:00pm

January 20th 2023:

First meeting made, added team roles, rules, and communication

Website created and preferences made: 5, 7, 6, 1, 23, 12