D5. Code

Hand-Off Plan

Our project will be posted in a public GitHub repository, and the client and others involved will have access to clone the code. At the end of the semester, we can transfer the repo to the clients so they are able to add collaborators from their organization or for future semester that continue the project. At the current size the database exists as, it is sufficient enough to have it run and hold the database on a designated computer. If in the future, the database requires expansion, then it can be moved to cloud memory.

The hosting will be left in the hands of the UNC Department of Psychiatry as they will know best for hosting and database pricing and hopefully can hand it off to the next group. We currently use a free Atlas Database Cluster under our own personal account for testing. The client will have a better idea of what suits them. (Technically Mongo would be hosted on AWS). If the database does get converted to cloud memory, this would also potentially incur charges for keeping online accessible.

The program is stand-alone, existing on a host machine, deriving all its database functions from the provided repository. If the repository ownership is successfully handed over to the client, they can copy and paste the code into their own machine and run it on their own machine. This can be done with setting up an IDE, (preferably visual studio code), and following the instructions in the video below to set up the project.

Insert team tutorial video on how to set up code here

*Right now, there are no costs for the client. This could change with the type of hosting that is used for the project in the future. If the hosting is kept within the UNC domain, ‘tarheel.live’, most likely no costs will be incurred. However, in the event that a different environment is chosen to deploy the project please note that costs can and will likely be incurred to maintain the project.  

In our final meeting, we will assist in helping the client install the software for their survey on their own host machine to ensure a smooth transfer process and impart all the wisdom that comes with the application.

Here is an in-depth tutorial on how to install and utilize the Psych-Assist website: