D3. Test Plan

Since this is a legacy project, most of the testing will be continued from the previous semester’s plan

Current testing being done:

Unit testing

  • Testing connection to the MongoDB database
  • JSON validation functions to make sure correct values are being sent and received
  • Jest tests to validate our CRUD function logic with the database
  • Insomnia calls to test API calls for expected return values

Integration and system testing (with UI)

  • Manual tests from the front end where we will complete the surveys and make sure that the data is being correctly passed to our database.
  • The client will…
    • Click on a survey tab that will take the user to the respective survey
    • Answer all of the shown questions and submit the form
      • Once the survey is completed and submitted the data should be pasted from the frontend to the API to the database
    • Click on survey results tab to display the inputted data

Descriptions of tools used

  • Jest -> JS code
  • Insomnia -> API calls

Descriptions of types of end users

  • Client – the client is the only end user who will fill out information on the behalf of their patients

Acceptance testing

  • Send the website to the client for any UI feedback or any other feedback they would like to give.

With no limit on time:

Unit testing

  • Stricter database error validation to make sure data is being correctly inserted
  • Stricter JSON validation
  • Security to prevent database access from being accessed by outside parties

Usability testing performance reliability, etc. testing

  • Stress tests to test to user capacity of the website (for when website is no longer on local host)

Descriptions of tools used

  • Jest for testing JS code
  • Insomnia to test API calls

Descriptions of types of end users

  • Client – the client is the only end user who will fill out information on the behalf of their patients

Acceptance testing

  • Collect and correct a list of improvements and fixes from the client.