D1. Specifications

User Stories

As a provider of data

  • I want to be able to interact with columns in a proper manner (checkboxes, buttons, text, etc)
    • So that I can input data efficiently
  • I want to view data from outside spreadsheets inside the application
    • So that I can easily interact with and save previous client information
  • I want to be able to view data statistics
    • So that I can learn more about the trends of the inputted data

As an evaluator of data

  • I want to be able to export the listed data
  • So that I can easily compile it into a shareable spreadsheet

As a user of the application

  • I want to be able to log in
  • So that I can be placed in the appropriate view for the application (evaluator or provider)

As a provider of data

  • I want to be able to only view my inputted information
  • So that my client information remains private

Functional Requirements


  • Map content entry types to column data
  • Create formulas for each column
  • Provide MongoDB with access to data input in the pre-existing application


  • Create export data feature to compile columns into spreadsheet for external use


  • Code a user verification feature that maps users to the appropriate view (provider vs evaluator) and allows login
  • Give each provider the ability to maintain private data without spilling on a public used interface

Non-Functional Requirements


  • Implement front end code to span MongoDB data input into the user interface


  • Implement a data statistics feature on the user interface to view trends from the database

