D5. Hand-Off Plan

The team website, Figma prototype, installation requirements page, and GitHub Repository will be shared with the client to pass down to the next team of developers.

Figma is an interface design tool, which hosts the prototype for SafeEats. The client and future developers will have access to change the design as well as interact with the prototype similarly to how they would with the app. Through Figma Learn, you can learn more about how to navigate and use Figma.

The GitHub Repository hosts the code for SafeEats, which future developers can fork as they further develop the app. GitHub Docs offers a short Hello World exercise to get comfortable with its basic functionalities.

The Firebase is currently on the no-cost Spark Plan. Authentication can handle 50k monthly active users and the Realtime Database can store 1 GB. The website gives more in-depth information on the limitations of the Spark Plan. As the SafeEats app grows, it is possible to upgrade to the pay-as-you-go Blaze Plan. There is a calculator for the plan on the website. To change plans, it is as simple as going on the “Project Overview” page, clicking on “Spark plan,” and selecting the new plan.


Guides and Videos

Our hand-off will primarily feature guides and videos to guide future developers through set-up, so they can follow along and know what to expect. Find the instructions and videos in the Installation and Environment Set-up page.

  • VS Code and Expo Go
  • iOS Simulator (Apple devices)
  • Android Studio (other devices)
  • Firebase
  • Walkthrough of current app functionalities (demo video)

Future Plan

  • Backend
    • Organization of restaurant and menu item data
      • Algorithm for sorting menu items by food allergies and dietary restrictions in user profile
  • Account Creation
    • Check format of personal information
    • Check if all fields filled out
  • User Login
    • Show message if incorrect email/password
    • Allow password change
  • Search bar
    • Doesn’t throw error anymore when clicking, but search doesn’t work
  • Each restaurant
    • Correct corresponding menu item name to menu item image
    • Separate listing for menu items that meet food allergy and dietary restriction needs
    • Icons on menu items based on the food allergy and dietary restriction met
  • User Profile page
    • Alignment of user information within user profile
    • Outside of editing mode, clicking on selection for food allergy or dietary restriction throws an error
  • Administrator access
  • Restaurant Vendor access