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We will hand off our code by uploading both our survey repository files and server/database repository files to the server that the client provides to us. We have not yet been given this server space, but we will in the future.

We will have a detailed file in both repositories that will detail how one can get each of the components of our project running. For example, using yarn to set up dependencies to get the survey and the database running. Our PostgreSQL database will be run on the server and each table in the database will be stored on the server. We will give simple instructions on our hand-off document that we give to the client in addition to the README to make things as easy as possible. Because of the scale of our database and how many people will be using it, it is unlikely that space will be an issue. Regardless, the client and their team are aware of how many customers will make database entries, and are ready to expand server space if needed.

We will provide videos on how to use the software from both a developer’s and a user’s perspective. This means they can run the website and database on their own machine if they see fit before deploying to customers.