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User Stories

  • As a healthcare provider I want to be able to send a link to a survey to a specific patient which will then be filled out by them. 
  • As a healthcare provider I want the patients answers and information to be formed into a PDF and sent to a specific HIPPA safe database that I have access to. 
  • As a healthcare provider I would like it if there was a dashboard that kept track of patients’ individual interactions with surveys longitudinally.
  • As a healthcare provider I want to be able to update recommendations for certain survey results.
  • As a healthcare provider I want to be able to update BWS survey questions. 
  • As a user (leukemia patient) I want to be able to use a link to gain access to a PRIME survey.
  • As a user I want to be able to fill out the survey with obvious instructions.
  • As a user I want to see some form of response about successful/failure submission as well as the results of my survey. 
  • As a user I also want to be able to see my results longitudinally. 
  • As a user I want to be able to see the recommendations that my health provider gives based on my results.
  • As a user I want the PRIME to be very accessible regardless of my poor vision, poor hearing, and other disabilities.
  • As a user I want PRIME to be both mobile and desktop friendly.
  • As a user, I’d like to be reminded if I have not completed the survey. 
  • As a user, I’d like to know that my personal information and survey answers are securely stored and protected by HIPPA recommendations.

Functional Requirements


  • The healthcare provider will send the survey to the user by email. If the user opens the survey but doesn’t complete it, or does not open the survey within a given time, the user will be sent a follow up email.
  • When the user completes the survey, the answers to the survey will be sent back and processed in a secure database.
  • An algorithm provided by the client will be used to process the answers to the survey. If the results are inconclusive, an email will be sent to the client and the healthcare provider will be notified. If the results are conclusive, the results will be emailed to the client and the healthcare provider will be notified.
  • The healthcare provider will be provided with a dashboard of all users who have been sent surveys. This dashboard will include a table, which contains information about the user, whether the user has completed the survey, and the results of the survey.


  • The healthcare provider may be provided with a dashboard of analytics about all user data.
  • Thea healthcare provider will be able to customize the survey to include different questions.


  • Concrete HIPPA compliance
  • The healthcare provider has the option to customize the survey format.
  • Survey results will automatically be given to the client in their preferred and/or given healthcare application (MyChart, etc.). This will most likely be done by a healthcare professional, not automatically.

Nonfunctional Requirements


  • Our code will be containerized so it can be transferred to different systems and used by different universities.
  • The survey must be clear and easy to use regardless of the user’s experience with technology. Many clients will be higher in age with little experience using technology, so no assumptions can be made in terms of directions needed for use.
  • Results of surveys are held in the database indefinitely until either server space is a problem or healthcare providers wish to delete them.
  • Constraint – The user must not need to sign in. There will one link into the survey, and one link out (goes along with containerization).


  • App has potential to be built upon easily with other technologies (npm packages, new features) in the future by developers working with healthcare providers.


  • User is identified in subsequent uses of the link – in other words, repeated clicks of the same link will not result in override of previous results, or submission of new ones.