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User Documentation:

Users of the Prime Application/website will be provided with very little documentation as their primary role is to just use the website from the user perspective.

  • Users can click a button on the web homepage “watch instructions” in order to see a video explaining the purpose of the website and how they will interact with it
  • The users will also be provided with a results page that explains they’ve completed the survey and their results 

Administrator Documentation:

Administrators/our specific client will be provided with a series of videos and a readme file that  will explain how to run the servers, change the database and surveys, as well as a general overview of all the code and its structure in case they need to change it.

  • Videos will be made to demonstrate starting up the server 
  • Videos will be made to demonstrate using the dashboard functions
  1. Tutorial for creating a patient
  2. Sending a survey
  3. Viewing a patient’s past surveys
  • A ReadMe file in the github repository will have a table of contents which leads to markdowns of specific files and file structure explaining their purpose
  • Most files in the code base will also have comments that explain complex functionality