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APPLES Reflection


Ellis Kay, Andy King, Jess Lynch, Alex Wigger

Our project is going to improve the quality of life of leukemia patients by increasing the speed and quality of their treatment plans. Leukemia is a life-threatening form of cancer that affects a vast number of people, and treatment strategies vary drastically in how they affect each patient. Our project, PRIME, is a survey platform that collects information from patients on their preferences of treatment, such as living longer, minimizing hair loss, being able to move around, and others. This information will help direct doctors into what sort of treatments we should give patients, which can ultimately improve their quality of life and personalization of care.

Our work specifically revolves around us creating a website that works for both patients and doctors. The doctors will be able to add new patients to our database and add them to a list of people who are continually sent surveys once a month. The doctors can use these results to plan appropriate treatments. The patients will receive straightforward directions on how to do the survey and submit it.

This work is not only important because leukemia is a very serious disease, but because treatment can vary greatly in side effects and outcomes. The work that we are doing will have a big impact on the lives of leukemia patients, as it will provide doctors with critical information that can help them make informed decisions about their patients’ treatments.

The lives and treatment of leukemia patients should be heavily affected in a positive way by the website we are creating for Dr. Richardson. By providing Dr. Richardson with valuable insights into his patients’ priorities, we are helping to curate a treatment plan that caters itself to the specific values which the patients personally value. This is a project we wholly believe in and we believe that our work will make a real difference in the lives of those who are battling leukemia. Fighting leukemia is one of the most difficult things a person can do, so any opportunity to smoothen the process out is one we are happy to jump on.