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We had our first Coach Meeting today with Louie. Here’s what we went over

  • Went over agile, and what Louie will be doing for us each meeting and each week as our coach
  • First order of business is to schedule a meeting with our client in the next week and a half
  • We need a project description, project proposal/plan by the end of next week
  • From Louie’s perspective, HIPPA compliance will be our biggest challenge
  • He says to ask about the 5 points with the client (what does real-time mean, what is BWS and how should we research it, etc.), as well as UI questions. Focus on the first 4 in the first meeting.
  • In the proof of concept, thinking about HIPPA may not be critical, but the final product would need to be (in other words, HIPPA isn’t something we need to discuss with them early).
  • We need to discuss when we will deploy the software and how, if it is on our side or their side in the deploying process.
  • Louie’s final suggestion: play with Trello to keep organized, maintain a Kanban Board. Up to us whether we use GitHub, Bitbucket, etc. Linting and GitHooks can also help us keep our code clean.

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