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In the fall, we had a wide variety of events, including Sci Pol 101 with our advisor Dr. Jeffrey Warren, two science policy journal clubs, and an event on water diplomacy co-sponsored with Global Affairs here at UNC! We celebrated the end of the semester with a social and networking event with our fellow Triangle science policy groups: Duke SPaCE and NC State Sci Pol Pack. Our work was recently highlighted in the National Science Policy Network! You can read their interview of Co-Presidents Rosa and Rami here.

In the spring, Co-President Rosa Cuppari began a science policy internship in DC. We are so proud of her! Back on campus, we hosted panel events on artificial intelligence and plastic pollution and a workshop on how to advocate for science policy with politicians. Director of External Affairs Whitney Bell and President Rami Major visited Raleigh with UNC’s Director of State Affairs, Amy McConkey, where they sat in on the Health and Human Services JLOC and had the chance to meet with several representatives. Later, we hosted North Carolina State Representative Allen Buansi and Senator Graig Meyer for informal conversation about science policy issues in our state.


Fall events included a Triangle-wide science policy social at The Daily in Durham, a mini environmental science policy event series, and a cookie social.

We held our biannual certificate series in Spring 2023. Our awesome exec team organized a dozen events (!!) attended by hundreds of students. Events included workshops on how to write policy memos and briefs, discussion panels on the intersection of science policy and topics like diplomacy and gene editing, career-focused events on science policy fellowships and career paths, and Science Policy 101. Over a dozen students completed the certificate series in full and were awarded a Certificate in Science Policy by SPAG and TIBBS, along with a small gift. Some of these events were recorded and are available on our YouTube channel.

Two of our teams published policy memos in the Journal of Science Policy and Governance (JSPG)-APS FPS Special Issue: Policy and Governance on Science, Technology and Global Security in 2023! Check them out here:


Two of our teams published policy memos in the Journal of Science Policy and Governance (JSPG)-UCL STEaPP Special Issue: Innovations In Science Diplomacy in 2022! Check them out here:

Former SPAG Presidents David Gorelick and Becca Van Hoeck began science policy fellowships! David Gorelick, PhD began work as a AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow in the US Department of State, and Becca Van Hoeck, PhD began work as a John. A Knauss Marine Policy Fellow in the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration.