
We are developing an app for the new UNC Golf Practice Facility to increase team engagement.

Our Project Repo: Github (please contact us for access)

More to come soon, but here’s an overview…
We are developing an app for the new UNC Golf Practice Facility. The app will ideally have four different parts. A dynamic map, a list of drills with an ability to record performance, a leaderboard with auto-push notifications, and an admin section with the ability to review user performance and send push notifications.

The app is being designed to serve anyone who uses the new practice facility including guests, team members, alumni, and coaches. The facility is very large and overwhelming to many, so the app’s intent is to help users figure out the best way to maximize their training. The map portion of the app will give users an overview of the facility, and will provide measurement capabilities so that they know where their shots land in comparison to the greens. The list of drills will help guide users training by providing specific goals and steps. The drills section will also include a portion to log performance on the drill they’re doing and see their prior performance. The leaderboard section of the app will provide a place for everyone to compete. The board will include specific sections for the men’s team, women’s team, alumni, and guests, and will send push notifications automatically when major leaderboard changes occur to motivate players to practice more. Finally, the admin section of the app will allow coaches to gauge players performance throughout the facility. They will be able to see all performance logs, and will be able to filter logs based off of player or drill name. Additionally, admins will be able to mange drills and ideally send push notifications from their dashboard.

We hope that this app will ‘gamify’ practice at the facility and increase competition between players which will not only drive more practice but will also increase focus.