UNC Package Centers

Cody Dawson – Hinton James Package Center Manager

In this interview, I talk to one of the managers about the process of the package centers at UNC Chapel Hill. He begins by talking about what the package centers do in a general sense, and distinguishes between the three on campus package centers that serve undergraduate students; Morrison, Hinton James, and Spencer. Then, Cody describes the process of receiving packages from carriers. Cody continues describing the process, and outlines how students work together to check in packages to students. In the final part, Cody describes the steps to checking out packages to the appropriate students.

Cody Dawson was a former student of UNC Chapel Hill. Following his graduation, he wanted to remain involved in the community and quickly became a part of the package centers.

Cody has found a family within the package centers and expressed his love for his fellow staff, especially the students he has worked with. During our interview, Cody stated that his favorite part of working in the package centers is working alongside the student staff and helping the residents of Chapel Hill.

The comfortable environment of the package centers is due largely because of staff members like Cody. He takes constant initiative to make the students feel comfortable. He consistently contributes to a pleasant work place environment by seeking the opinions of his the student staff and allowing them to play music. He even brings in his adorable dog on occasion to further lift spirts.

“Package center operation teams serve the on campus residents of UNC Chapel Hill.”

– Cody Dawson

Package centers are undeniably an essential part of the UNC Residence Halls. They ensure that packages are not only handled correctly, but in an organized and efficient manner. Without them, students would be unable to acquire many essential and sentimental items. This ranges from letters from home to medications.

The Three Package Centers

  • Morrison
  • Hinton James
  • Spencer

What’s the Difference?

Morrison Package Center (MPC) serves Avery, Carmichael, Craige, Craige North, Hardin, Morrison, Parker, Ram Village 1, Ram Village 2, Ram Village 3, and Teague. MPC was the first package center opened and operated alone for a significant amount of time. It usually has the highest volume of packages.

Hinton James Package Center (HJPC) serves Ehringhaus, Hinton James, Horton, Koury, Ram Village 5, and Taylor. HJPC does not normally have as many packages as MPC but is not too far behind.

Spencer Package Center (SPC) serves Alderman, Alexander, Cobb, Connor, Evertt, Graham, Grimes, Joyner, Kenan, Lewis, Mangum, Manly, McClinton, McIver, Old East, Old West, Thomas Ruffin Jr., Spencer, Stacy, and Winston. SPC is the only package center on north campus. Although SPC serves the most residence halls, it tends to have the lowest volume of packages considering there are less residents on north campus.

Regular Hours of Operation

Monday through Friday 10am-6:30pm; Saturday 11am-4pm

Closed on University holidays.

Hours and locations may vary during breaks.

Addressing a Package

Resident’s Name

Hall Street Address, Room #

Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Which Carriers Go to the Package Centers?

  • USPS
  • UPS
  • FedEx
  • Lasership
  • DHL

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