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Dear a large hot hazelnut coffee at Panera with no cream or sugar,

Every morning, I wake up at 8 am as my alarm loudly blares Blank Space by Taylor Swift.  I roll over to turn it off and open the Panera app on my phone to order you, a large hot hazelnut coffee with no cream or sugar.  I brush my teeth, throw on some leggings and a sweatshirt, slip on my sneakers, grab my bookbag, and get in my car.  I sit at four stoplights and go over two speed bumps before I arrive at my destination.  I put my mask on and walk inside to grab you off the mobile app order shelf and plop myself down in the booth all the way in the back corner of the store.  I have seen, heard, experienced, said, discussed, and learned many things with you sitting on the table in front of me.  I have listened to employees discuss how micro-aggressive comments can tear apart a unified workforce.  I have talked with friends about our backgrounds, heritage, and culture.  I have listened to friends as they describe how social injustices in America have hindered and hurt them.  I have read countless books, essays, and articles.  I have listened to lectures and joined discussion groups in my classes where we have talked about injustices in our world.  I have made new friendships and strengthened old ones.  I have learned more about myself and how I can be an active part in both present and future change.  This past semester has grown me, stretched me, and changed me in so many unexpected ways, and you have been with me through much of it.

What I used to consider a cup of caffeine that would help kick-start my morning to get me through the day, I now relate to seasons of growth and change.  In fact, some of the most meaningful and monumental conversations have occurred with you sitting right in front of me.  In twenty years, I will roll into Panera to get you, and your taste will bring back memories.  I will remember all the things I learned and grew in with you in my hand; I will think about the ways I have put those things into practice over my lifetime, and I will walk out with a soft smile on my face.

Forever thankful for what you have walked through with me,

Grace Sims

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