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Recent Publications from the Seim Lab (* indicates present or former student lab group member)

Bane, J., H. Seim, S. Haines, L. Han*, R. He and J. Zambon, 2023. Atmospheric forcing of the Hatteras coastal ocean during 2017-2018: The PEACH program, Dynamics of Oceans and Atmospheres,

Han, L.*, H. Seim, J. Bane, D. Savidge, M. Andres, G. Gawarkiewicz and M. Muglia*, 2022. Ocean circulation near Cape Hatteras: observations of mean and variabilility, Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans, 127, e2022JC019274,

Muglia, M.*, H. Seim, J. Bane and T. Patterson, 2022. An observation-based study of Gulf Stream meander kinematics off of Cape Hatteras, Frontiers in Marine Sciences, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.867439.

Jang SH, Lim P, Torano O, Neave EF, Seim H and Marchetti A, 2022. Protistan Communities Within the Galapagos Archipelago with an Emphasis on micrograzers. Front. Mar. Sci. 9:811979. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.811979

Seim, H., D. Savidge, M. Andres, J. Bane, C. Edwards, G. Gawarkiewicz, R. He, R. Todd, M. Muglia*, J. Zambon, L. Han* and S. Mao, 2022. An Overview of the Processes driving exchange at Cape Hatteras (PEACH) Program, Oceanography,

Muglia, M.*, H. Seim and T. Patterson, 2022. Gulf Stream Position, Width, and Orientation Estimated from HF Radar Radial Velocity Maps off Cape Hatteras, N.C., J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 39, 689-705, doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-21-0098.1

Neave, E., H. Seim, S. Gifford, O. Torano, Z. I. Johnson, D. Páez-Rosas and A. Marchetti, 2022. Protistan plankton communities in the Galápagos Archipelago respond to changes in deep water masses resulting from the 2015/16 El Niño, Environmental Microbiology, 24(4), 1746–1759, doi:10.1111/1462-2920.15863

Páez-Rosas, D., J. Torres, E. Espinoza, A. Marchetti, H. Seim, M. Riofrío-Lazo, 2021. Abundance, distribution and population trends of endangered Galapagos pinnipeds, Scientific Reports, 11:8785,

Han, L.*, H. Seim, J. Bane, R. Todd and M. Muglia*, 2021. A shelf water cascading event near Cape Hatteras, J. Phys. Oce.,

Muglia, M.*, H. Seim, P. Taylor, 2020.  Gulf Stream marine hydrokinetic energy off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, MTS Journal, 54(6), 24-36.

Gifford, S., A. Zhao, B. Stemple, K. DeLong, P. Medeiros, H. Seim, A. Marchetti, 2020. The Microbiome of the Galápagos Archipelago and its Response to El Niño, Frontiers in Microbiology, 11:575194. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.575194

Roarty, H., S. Glenn, J. Brodie, L. Nazzaro, M. Smith, Handel, E, J. Kohut, T. Updyke, L. Atkinson, W. Boicourt, W. Brown, H. Seim, M. Muglia*, D. Gong, 2020. Annual and Seasonal Surface Circulation over the Mid Atlantic Bight Continental Shelf derived from a Decade of High Frequency Radar Observations, J. Geophys. Res., 125, e2020JC016368.

Schutt M.*, Seim H., 2020. Assessment of Stability-Based Characterizations of North Carolina’s Offshore Wind Resource Using a Nested Boundary Layer Method. Journal of Energy and Power Technology, 2(2):19; doi:10.21926/jept.2002006.

Gawarkiewicz, G., K. Chen, J. Forsyth, F. Bahr, A. Malek Mercer, A. Ellertson, P. Fratantoni, H. Seim, S. Haines*, L. Han*, 2019. An advective marine heatwave in the Middle Atlantic Bight: shelfbreak exchange driven thermohaline anomalies in early 2017, Frontiers in Marine Sciences, 6, 712, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00712.

Todd, R., F. Chavez et al., 2019. Global Perspectives on Observing Ocean Boundary Current Systems, Frontiers in Marine Sciences, 6, 423, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00423.

Seim, H. and C. Edwards*, 2019.  Upper slope jets and Gulf Stream filaments inshore of the Charleston Bump during winter 2012, J. Phys. Oce., 49, 1423-1438, doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-18-0205.1

Haines, S.*, H. Seim and M. Muglia*, 2017. Implementing Quality Control of High-Frequency Radar Estimates and Application to Gulf Stream Surface Currents, J. Atmos. Ocean Tech., 34, 1207-1224, DOI: 10.1175/JTECH-D-16-0203.1

Thomas, N.*, H. Seim and S. Haines*, 2015. An observational, spatially explicit, stability-based estimate of the wind resource offshore of North Carolina, J. Applied Met. and Clim., 54, 2407-2425, DOI: 10.1175/JAMC-D-15-0090.1

Martens, C. S., H. P. Mendlovitz, H. Seim, L. Lapham and M. D’Emidio, 2015. Sustained In Situ Measurements of Dissolved Oxygen, Methane and Water Transport Processes in the Benthic Boundary Layer at MC118, Northern Gulf of Mexico, Deep Sea Research,

Mienis, F., G. Duineveld, A.J. Davies, M. Lavaleye, S.W. Ross, H. Seim, J. Bane, H. van Haren, M. Bergman, H. de Haas, S. Brooke, T. van Weering, 2014. Cold-water coral growth under extreme environmental conditions, the Cape Lookout area, NW Atlantic, Biogeosciences, 11, 2543-2560, doi:10.5194/bg-11-2543-2014.

Brooke, S, S. Ross, J. Bane, H. Seim and C. Young, 2013. Temperature tolerance of the deep-sea coral Lophelia Pertusa from the southeastern United States, Deep Sea Res. II, 92, 240-2048, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2012.12.001.