A4. Hand-Off Plan

Tasks to be Completed prior to Hand-Off

-> Reinstall updated WaveMaker GUI on Lab computer

-> Schedule a time to meet with Dr. Camassa and Jim Mahaney to discuss changes made to the GUI and demonstrate the new functionalities added

-> Record a demo video for the lab to use prior to hand-off

-> Update documentation from previous groups to include new features

-> Ensure that all appropriate source code folders are updated in the local PC

Primary features added

-> Functionality to define separate parameters for sets/individual motors and run these motors simultaneously. 

-> Apply different presets to different subsets of motors

One of the problems that we and our clients faced was not knowing which folder on their system contained the most accurate and up-to-date code for the machine. We also soon realized that the source code contained on the local PC, provided by the previous group, was missing some essential files that were necessary to run and adapt the code for our group. To resolve this issue, we will deposit all appropriate files in this folder in the lab computer, and provide a link to our GitHub repository. In addition, we will provide the clients with a link to our repository in case they want to view it and share it with future teams. This will help future teams know which folder to revise and improve when working on the lab computer as well as have a reference through the repository to the changes we implemented.