A3. Documentation Plan

Users of the System


  • How to turn on the system
  • How to open the WaveMaker GUI
  • How to prime motors and begin running the machine
  • How to define presets and visualize motor function
  • How to clear motors, reset function

This documentation will be provided through manuals, hints in the GUI on the right side of the page. Additionally, prior to hand-off we will record a video describing the functionality of the GUI and how to utilize it. 

Administrator/Lab Manager

  • How to install the WaveMaker GUI from github
    • In case of system failure and a new copy needs to be installed
  • How to utilize the WaveMaker GUI
  • How to manage default settings for priming the motors
  • How to manage updates to Studio 5000

We will provide this through a comprehensive manual which includes all instructions, including administrator information. This largely overlaps with the researcher role considering the intwined nature of both users. Will also provide links for documentation on Studio 5000 to continue managing any new updates to the software and how to continue utilizing our software with these changes. If the functionality to read motor output and manually adjust the motors based on this is added, this will also be added to the documentation. We will also give them our demo video, which instructs the user on how to operate the system. Overall, there aren’t many drastic changes from the operation procedure as it is largely the same as it was in past semesters but any new functionality will be covered in the video.