Megan Moss (U. Waterloo) Combining data-driven and Hamiltonian-driven training for learning quantum ground states. Rydberg atom arrays are programmable quantum simulators capable of preparing interacting qubit systems in a variety of quantum states. Due to long experimental preparation times, obtaining projective measurement data can be relatively slow for large arrays, which poses a challenge for state reconstruction methods such as tomography. Today, novel groundstate wavefunction ansätze like recurrent neural networks (RNNs) can be efficiently trained not only from projective measurement data, but also through Hamiltonian-guided variational Monte Carlo (VMC). In the linked paper, we demonstrate how pretraining modern RNNs on even small amounts of data significantly reduces the convergence time for a subsequent variational optimization of the wavefunction. This suggests that essentially any amount of measurements obtained from a state prepared in an experimental quantum simulator could provide significant value for neural-network-based VMC strategies. This talk will focus on how the straight-forward combination of these two training methods (for the same RNN wavefunction) allows one to leverage all available information about a quantum system.