Class Assignment


We will be engaged together in generating an accretive site of memory addressing the abortive 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade to exemplify the processes of cultural memory that we have been studying in this class. Please note that the entire project is worth 20% of your course grade. The extent of your engagement with your site matters for the memory we create together.

You will be responsible for posting a dynamic description and analysis of important aspects of your memory site of the length of 800-1000 words. Specific sites should include visual evidence and links to useful resources and materials. Each post should include end note citations to identify sources consulted and captions and urls for illustrations and other linked material. These posts will be evaluated by your recitation leaders according to the quality of its content and the dynamic description and analysis that you provide to investigate.

Theme Groups

There are many students in our class. To help ensure that each classmate is able to develop a distinctive angle the legacy of Roe. v. Wade that does not duplicate too much information on another research post, it is necessary to diversity different angles of analysis. To promote diversity of approaches and avoid duplication, you will be placed in one of sixteen theme group along with four or five of your section classmates.


A draft of your contribution must be completed on the WordPress site by section on Friday, April 14. The final version must be published by section a week later on Friday, April 21. On the last day of the classes – April 28 – your comments on classmates’ Remembering Roe entries are due on the website. There will be a final reflection on our collective site of memory due as part of the final exam a week later on Friday, May 5.

Research Process

Please research your focus deeply by using key words in library databases to find the best book sections, articles, news reports, and multimedia resources to inform the interpretation of your site. Please see this post for more information. You can begin to write your post and transfer it over into WordPress later.

It will be key to argue in your research post how your site is connected to Roe v. Wade and interpret the ways that it serves as a vehicle for the cultural memory of Roe and its impact in American cultural memory.

Sample Posts

To see a model of the nature and form of other posts, please consult the collective sites from prior courses on Coronavirus in American Memory and the Pentagon Papers. This entry, for example, models the way that your Works Cited entries should be cited.

Grading Rubric

  1. Is your own entry clearly-written, well-organized, and laid out in a way it presents a specific site of memory in dynamic and useful ways? (70 points) (dynamic and useful also indicates the type of research used to document the site and the varied resources it brings to bear).
  2. Does your entry describe how it is connected to Roe and serves as a vehicle for aspects of its cultural memory? (10 points)?
  3. Does your entry consider and briefly analyze the dynamics of memory being enacted by the form and example of your individual site? (10 points)
  4. Are your links, sources, and citations noted and ascribed to their sources correctly? (10 points)