Dobbs V Jackson Supreme Court decision and how different organizations reacted

The Dobbs v Jackson supreme court decision was a case brought up by the women’s health organization vs the supreme court challenging Mississippi’s law which prohibits abortion after 15 weeks. This law is unconstitutional and takes away a woman’s right to abortion. It overturned Roe v Wade and Planned Parenthood vs Casey. It states that abortion is illegal even if it was incest and rape and the olu exception was severe bodily harm and if the fetus is unable to live outside of the womb. And With the current situation in the United States, over half of the states are divided on this topic of abortion based on votes. This Mississippi law was based on a Christian organization where that brought the legal battle to the only abortion clinic in Mississippi and sued Tomas E Dobbs, a state health officer who was head of the clinic. 

Many people were outraged over this decision, however amidst this struggle, many organizations have voiced their opinions by releasing a statement to the public through websites and this helps create and reinforce a collective memory of Dobbs V Jackson. 

Non Profit  

“The Court has restricted the rights of hundreds of millions of Americans, uprooting decades of precedent and a right upon which hundreds of thousands of Americans have relied – especially low-income people of color.”

Community Visions, a nonprofit organization has stated its stance with the Dobbs V Jackson, by stating that these decisions will negatively affect lower income families. Lower income families already have harder access to abortion due to the cost and location of where abortion clinics are located. Especially in Mississippi, this abortion clinic was the only one. Instead of a decision that will benefit the public, it made the problems worse than it already was. Not only that, the decision that abortions illegal could increase the risk of poverty as childcare is costly. This decision to restrict women ‘s reproductive rights can foresee a future of disaster according to Community Vision since if such a vital right of bodily autonomy is stripped, what else could the Supreme Court do in the future? Would it stripe our rights to marriage, like same-sex marriage? A large nonprofit organization has given its support against Dobbs V Jackson, it helps reinforce the idea that these things are what makes the decision so revolting and a lot of people agree with it.

Association of american college

The AAMC, (American College Association) president issued a statement saying, “The consequence of today’s decision will significantly limit access for so many and increase health inequities across the country, ultimately putting women’s lives at risk.” Not having an abortion placed some women lives at birth, and only with the exception of creating an severe impairment to the body or the baby cannot live outside of the womb. This means that rapes and incest abortions arent even allowed. Rapes and incest such unjust things done, yet abortion is still not allow for even this scenarios shows how the rights of an women is placed below an unborn fetus. Younger women who get raped can have a harder time conviein chidlren and have higher rates of complication durin birth which can risk deaths and major health problmes in the future. They also stated that this decision can cause equity problems in the future in healthcare and are working with healthcare system to still provide equitable healthcare while adjusting to the situation. While also blatantly stating that the are agonist this decision made by the supreme court. 

University of Illionios in Chicago

They released a statement of the public addressing the concerns of the Dobbs V Jackson decisions. They also stated that they were against this decision that the supreme court made, and that this can impact the girlhood of many minority groups. They include people of “disabilities, LGBTQ, minorities and immigrants.” they addressed all the minorities who might have a harder time gaining access to resources, even before Dobbs V jackson and how it placed them at a disadvantage financially, Saying that the University does not support the decision wand will try its best to have resources available for any student that are in need heteh rit therapy, counseling, or access to abortion, they also blatantly state there opinions on the Dobbs V jackson decision. 

Through the opinions of different organizations and groups, who have stated their opinions though public statements have formed a site of collective memory through the form of speech hy having similar stances on the Dobbs Vs jackson decisions. They composed a list of needs that are being neglected due to Dobbs v Jackson which shows the opinion of a whole group of individuals who are opposed to the Dobbs V Jackson decision. 

To conclude, the moral consequences, and the excess problems, minority group have to go through are multiplied through the Dobbs V jackson decision which makes its an unethical decision, which has been stated by many organization through their public outlet. This is a way of forming collective memory by stating what most people who are agonist the decision think, this helps give public support and allowed the public to know that many organizations do not agree with the decisions, and creates a way of creating a collective memory of how united everyone is during such decisions. 

Ada Chen

Dobbs V Jackson women’s health organization public response

The Dobbs v Jackson supreme court decision was a case brought up by the women’s health organization vs the supreme court challenging Mississippi’s law which prohibits abortion after 15 weeks. This law is unconstitutional and takes away a woman’s right to abortion. It overturned Roe v Wade and Planned Parenthood vs Casey. With the current situation in the United States, over half of the states are divided on this topic of abortion based on votes. I want to dedicate this post to remembering the fight against the supreme court by the Jackson Women’s health organization by looking at how different media outlets and groups responded to this.

Big news outlets such as ABC News, and New York Times, and groups such as ethnic groups, and groups with a low socioeconomic background all hold different opinions on this decision. Most disagree with the supreme court’s decision and some very interesting perspectives. Some sneak peeks of what some of the groups bring up are that not only is the decision unconstitutional and takes away a women’s right, but it also brings up how incest and rape don’t constitute abortion and only with the exception of a medical emergency. I want to dedicate a portion of it to women who come from lower-income families and how this decision can affect their life negatively.

Ada Chen