The Clothes Hanger

By Jacob Blanton

The clothes hanger has become an iconic symbol of the struggles women have faced in accessing safe and legal reproductive healthcare. It serves as a reminder of the harrowing reality that many women once faced when seeking to terminate a pregnancy, before the landmark Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. Prior to the legalization of abortion, women had few options for ending an unwanted pregnancy, and were often forced to resort to unsafe and dangerous methods, including the use of clothes hangers as makeshift instruments to perform abortions on themselves.

Despite the landmark decision, the fight for reproductive rights has continued, with ongoing attempts to restrict access to abortion through laws and policies that place undue burdens on women seeking to exercise their right to choose. The use of the clothes hanger as a symbol of this struggle highlights the importance of accessible and safe reproductive healthcare for women, as well as the need to protect and expand reproductive rights.

The use of the clothes hanger as a symbol in the fight for reproductive rights is not just a representation of the struggles women have faced in accessing safe and legal reproductive healthcare, but it also highlights the intersectionality of gender and broader societal structures. The clothes hanger, which is a common household item used for hanging and caring for clothes, is deeply associated with the traditional femininity and domestic roles that women are often expected to fulfill in society. This association reinforces gender stereotypes and expectations that limit women’s agency and autonomy.

However, the use of the clothes hanger in the context of self-induced abortions subverts this traditional association and reveals the violence and danger that women have been forced to endure in their fight for reproductive autonomy. The image of a clothes hanger being used as a makeshift instrument for abortion is a stark reminder of the dire circumstances that women were forced to endure when they were unable to access safe and legal abortion services. This serves as a powerful critique of traditional gender roles and societal expectations of women, highlighting the need for greater gender equality and the dismantling of patriarchal structures that perpetuate gender stereotypes and norms.

Furthermore, the use of the clothes hanger as a symbol of resistance and activism underscores the importance of challenging power dynamics that have historically denied women the right to control their own bodies. Patriarchal structures and systems have sought to limit women’s agency and autonomy, denying them the right to make decisions about their own bodies and lives. The clothes hanger symbolizes the violence and danger that women have faced as a result of these structures, and it serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggle for reproductive rights and gender equality.

The debate over abortion has often been framed in terms of a woman’s right to choose versus the protection of the fetus. However, this framing fails to acknowledge the broader social and political context in which the issue exists. The fight for reproductive rights is not just about individual choice, but also about challenging power dynamics and societal structures that seek to limit women’s agency and autonomy. The use of the clothes hanger as a symbol of resistance and activism underscores the importance of challenging these power dynamics and working towards a more equitable and just society.

The debate over abortion is one of the most critical issues in the ongoing fight for women’s rights. The landmark Roe v. Wade decision of 1973 was a significant victory for reproductive rights, providing women with greater autonomy and control over their own bodies. However, the fight for reproductive rights has continued since then, with ongoing attempts to restrict access to safe and legal abortion through laws and policies that place undue burdens on women seeking to exercise their right to choose.

The use of the clothes hanger as a symbol of the ongoing struggle to protect and expand reproductive rights highlights the importance of challenging power dynamics and working towards a more just and equitable society for all. The debate over abortion is not simply about individual choice, but also about challenging broader societal structures and systems that have historically sought to limit women’s agency and autonomy.

Reproductive rights are human rights, and the right to access safe and legal abortion is a crucial component of those rights. The clothes hanger serves as a powerful reminder of the harrowing reality that many women once faced when seeking to terminate a pregnancy before the landmark Roe v. Wade decision. It also highlights the ongoing struggles that women face in accessing safe and legal reproductive healthcare and the need to protect and expand reproductive rights.

In conclusion, the use of the clothes hanger as a symbol of the ongoing fight for reproductive rights emphasizes the need to challenge power dynamics, expand access to safe and legal reproductive healthcare, and work towards a more just and equitable society for all. The clothes hanger serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggles women face in their fight for reproductive autonomy, and the importance of protecting and expanding reproductive rights as a crucial component of human rights.


“The Coat Hanger, Symbol of Dangerous, Pre-Roe Abortions, Is Back.” Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, March 25, 2014.

“The Wire Coat Hanger Symbolizes a Dark Era of Abortion Rights. Advocates Say It’s Time to Retire It | CBC News.” CBCnews. CBC/Radio Canada, July 5, 2022.

“The Wire Coat Hanger Symbolizes a Dark Era of Abortion Rights. Advocates Say It’s Time to Retire It | CBC News.” CBCnews. CBC/Radio Canada, July 5, 2022.

“The Coat Hanger, Symbol of Dangerous, Pre-Roe Abortions, Is Back.” Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, March 25, 2014.

“Unsafe Abortion: A Forgotten Emergency.” Doctors Without Borders – USA. Accessed April 21, 2023.

5 thoughts on “The Clothes Hanger

  1. I really liked your topic. Your post was thoughtful and unique, and I found it very cool how you highlighted the intersection of the clothes hanger in terms abortion and the debate, but you also incorporated broader social context. Your post really made me consider the clothes hanger not only as a powerful symbol of the progress that women have made in this movement, but also how much work is left to be done in this area.

  2. I think your analysis of the coat hanger as an important symbol in the pro-choice movement is spot-on. I think that this is a particular and universal aspect of the collective memory of abortion and Roe v. Wade by highlighting the specific suffering that women who experienced coat hanger and back alley abortions went through. Despite not all women struggling for access to abortion having gone through coat hanger or back alley abortions, I agree with you that the symbol of the coat hanger illuminates the larger structural oppression and violence against women as a result of restrictions to reproductive healthcare. Additionally, I see the coat hanger as a material aspect of collective memory that can be mobilized to remind the public of the horrors of abortion practice on women’s health before Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in 1973; when you hold and inspect a coat hanger, the memories of desperation and fear of women seeking reproductive care before Roe may arise, impacting how Roe and abortion activism is viewed today.

  3. I’d also like to reiterate that I found your topic particularly interesting and your analysis very compelling. The symbol of the coat hanger has often been viewed by the general public as an item of controversy and definitely sheds light on the greater social and political contexts within Roe v. Wade activism. It’s also going to be interesting as we reflect upon this subject ten, twenty years from now as the symbolic clothes hanger- the wiry, flimsy, and dangerous tool of controversy- will change as we have evolved our hangers into sturdier, more useful, and adaptive products. Within the context of processes of memory, as abortion history continues to play out, the original clothes hanger may revisit its significance as we have gone backwards in our legislation. With the newly revoked Roe v. Wade and many states creating restrictive (not allowing individuals to seek care in other states), desperation may soon set in once again that the coat hanger will yet again transform its memory.

  4. I love how your title immediately conveyed the topic of your post yet we also already knew how it was related to Roe v Wade through the history of the clothes hanger. The clothes hanger really does symbolize the fact that abortions have been present in society for a long time, but not necessarily through safe practices. Many women have died while attempting an abortion in this manner and taking away abortion rights does not mean erasing abortions from society, it means the return of these risky practices. Great paper!

  5. This article provides a compelling analysis of the significance of the clothes hanger as a symbol in the fight for reproductive rights. I liked how you emphasized the importance of challenging broader societal structures and systems that seek to limit women’s agency and autonomy and underscores the need to protect and expand reproductive rights as a crucial component of human rights. The title of this article is perfectly to the point without giving away much, and I think this article is very thoughtful and insightful.

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