Key Political Terms and Language – Draft

People argue all the time. When it comes to the abortion debate, there are many terms used when discussing a fetus’ progression in pregnancy as it slowly develops into a baby. It is extremely important for Americans to grasp the political language used to fully understand the Roe v. Wade decision, and how to apply these terms in their own discussions. People have different understandings of the definitions of words surrounding when abortion take place, such as when the baby develops a heartbeat, when it can feel pain, and when it is “acceptable” in the eyes of different groups of people to have an abortion.


  1. Introduction of the debate
  2. The pre-natal progression of the unborn baby
    1. Define key terms and their implications in the debate, such as fetus, embyrogenesis, embryo, blastocyst, and conception
  3. Summarize how both liberals and conservatives use the political language in their respective traditional views of abortion
    1. Discuss Born-Alive, “Baby murder/er,” when a fetus has a heartbeat, when it can feel pain
  4. Conclusion


Caden Linnert

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