The NCATC has curated the following list of online resources, organizations, and interactive websites useful for teaching Arabic. Materials listed here originate from a variety of universities and educational groups.
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction World Languages
The NCDPI World Languages Team provides Public School Units (PSUs) with support related to World Language standards, curriculum, and instruction. The work of the NCDPI World Languages Team includes: sustaining statewide implementation of the NC World Language Essential Standards, developing resources, providing professional development and technical assistance, and coordinating efforts to build stakeholder capacity, including in less-commonly-taught languages such as Arabic.
Arabic Special Interest Group at ACTFL
Formed in Nov. 2008, the Arabic SIG’s mission is to provide a professional network for Arabic language educators K-16; to promote the teaching and learning of the Arabic language and cultures; and to provide a forum in which to highlight the contributions of Arabic language educators to the field of world language and cultures education in America.
Arabic Teachers Council of the South
The Arabic Teachers Council of the South is an umbrella organization for K16 Arabic teachers and stakeholders interested in Arabic language and culture. The ATC of the South hosts professional development for K16 educators and their website hosts a number of teaching resources.
Foreign Language Association of North Carolina
Founded in 1967, the Foreign Language Association of North Carolina has developed into one of the largest and most active state language associations in the country. With over 900 members, FLANC represents the professional interest of educators and administrators from the elementary grades through the university level.
NaTakallam works with refugees, displaced persons & their host community members, by hiring them as online tutors, teachers, translators & cultural exchange partners, regardless of their location & status. You can invite a virtual speaker into your classroom or have your students work with native Arabic speakers as tutors.
Digital Resources
TECHNOLOGY CORNERUseful digital tools for the Arabic language classroom |
The We Can Learn Arabic website consists of video and audio texts arranged by theme (e.g. introductions, housing) and language function (e.g. I can meet a new person, I can describe a house). It is an open access resource designed for the Novice and Intermediate levels according to the proficiency guidelines of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, although many of the texts could be used at more advanced levels as well. It is created, maintained, and updated on a regular basis by volunteer teachers and students, primarily at the University of New Mexico.
Jusuur Arabic Textbook for communicative Arabic
Appropriate for both middle and high school students, Jusuur incorporates a myriad of interesting, creative, and culturally relevant activities into its curriculum. The Jusuur curriculum draws from the pedagogical strengths of the best-selling Al-Kitaab Arabic Language Program to provide students with a wealth of written and audio-visual materials to develop skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Integrating Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and colloquial Jordanian (a form of Levantine), students learn to communicate in Arabic from the very beginning about topics important to their daily lives.
Khallina – An open source website for teaching and studying Arabic
Khallina is an open source tool that helps teachers and independent learners of Arabic explore Arab culture. This website contains Cultural Modules suitable for beginner, intermediate, and advanced learners, on a variety of subject matters including: music, food, politics, humor, gender issues, and much more. Each module is divided into steps to help navigate the cultural content, and uses open source audiovisuals, pictures, and reading materials. Cultural Modules are also supplemented with a variety of activities for the learner to do inside and outside the classroom, or independently.
OER Commons: Arabic Language Learning
This Hub helps Arabic language professionals and students locate needed resources. By creating communities of practice around open resources, and encouraging site users to share their own creations as well as adapt those shared by others, this site functions as a hub – or source – for innovation, collaboration, and the use of resources and teaching strategies that reflect best practices and standards for teaching world languages.
Jeel Jadeed جيل جديد – Canvas Course Modules
Course materials related to Arabic language education available in Canvas Commons.
Arabic Voices, Aswaat Arabiyya
Listening materials and accompanying activities that are intended for the various levels of proficiency from Novice to Superior. These listening materials have been selected from television stations throughout the Arab world on a variety of topics and listening genres.
World Stories
Picture books from around the world, including 22 stories for young children to use in the classroom.
Learning Arabic from Al Jazeera
Different lessons for beginner, intermediate, and advanced students.
Printable Worksheets: This resource is great for learning the Arabic alphabet through printable worksheets.
A lot of material to teach Arabic language and culture. Printable content and for all levels.
BBC Arabic
Arabic news channels with all sections; politics, science, technology, pictures, society, and media.
Learn Arabic with Maha
This YouTube Channel supports content taught in class on language and culture.
Learn Arabic with Angela
A free, online Arabic language learning resource for beginners and kids.
The (Arabic) Films site is led by Duke professor Maha Houssami and supported by Duke students and community members: Allison Geary, Sama Elmahdy, Amulya Vadapalli, and Nura Al-Shibli. This site aims to provide resources in Arabic dialects at all levels through film. Users of this site need to be familiar with basics in Modern Standard Arabic. We hope you enjoy the interactive activities on this site that will be part of a larger innovative movement in the field of Arabic as a Foreign Language.
What is Anamel? The Arabic word for fingertips, Anamel is an online anthology of modules, each structured around a particular cultural topic and targeted at learners of Arabic at the Advanced level. Each module consists of several authentic written texts and video sources, in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) from literature and media, and some dialect-based texts from social media and non-mainstream sources. These texts and sources are accompanied by written addenda and guiding questions in MSA. Designed for the general global Arabic student, the modules do not assume knowledge of particular textbook material, and do not address student’s particular cultural context.
Yallah AlQuds is an innovative and collaborative digital platform that facilitates linguistic and cultural exchange between learners of Arabic and English worldwide.
Explore virtual Arabic course offerings, semester dependent by Ustaadh Mike Turner of UNCW.
QatarDebate Centre, a member of Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development, was established in 2008 and is the national debating organization for Qatar. We aim to be a guiding force in nurturing the spirit of free thought, open discussions, and constructive debate in Qatar, the wider Arab region and beyond. Teams from Duke and UNC have competed in past years. Debates are open to college age students as well as high school teams.
The content in these resources is the sole intellectual property of its respective authors; please contact individual authors and/or publishers with questions about distribution and copyright. The listing of a resource or program does not constitute endorsement of or agreement with the views presented therein.