
Testing a prototype is a challenging task when testing whether a prototype of a diverse learning environment improves learning outcomes. Assessments are a useful tool to measure mastery of learning concepts. Formative assessments can be given at different points to check for understanding. At the end of a unit students can be given a summative assessment. Projects are a more informal method in determining if students are learning the curriculum.


A prototype is a representation of an idea. The idea that students learn better in a diverse classroom environment can be created in a prototype classroom with diverse students and teachers, instruction that is inclusive of different cultures and backgrounds, and collaboration that encourages expression of different perspectives.


When first looking at a problem you may react to it emotionally. Upon closer examination the problem may not be as obvious as you initially thought, or may not be the problem at all. Identifying and revising the problem will help to clearly define it and the individuals that are impacted by the problem. Creating personas helps to represent the individuals that are most impacted by the problem.

Black teachers are needed to provide diverse perspectives in the learning environment.

Students in homogeneous classrooms are at a disadvantage in a globalized society.


Empathy is the ability to understand other people perspectives that are different from your own. In school systems it is especially important for students to develop empathy. One way to foster an empathetic mindset in students is to expose them to classes that are diverse with teachers and students from different cultures, religions, races, and backgrounds. In many public high schools students are segregated by honors and academic courses. The honors classes are predominately white students taught by white teachers and the academic classes are mainly students of color. Research shows that student’s learning outcomes are better in diverse classrooms. All students would benefit if all classes were more diverse.