You only get a few seconds—if you’re lucky—to grab a reader’s attention. How do you do that? You need to be creative … fast-paced … funny … informative. You need short and punchy way to tell a story that grabs a reader’s attention. That is where Alternative Story Forms come in.
Here are some simple ideas for Alternative Story Forms that can not only attract readers to dig into the content, but they can also help add some visual interest to your designs.
Q & A
An edited interview presented in question and response format. This allows an authority or celebrity to speak in his or her own words. 2. Breaks down a complicated issue by answering questions readers may have.
Key Players
Short biographies of the people directly involved with a story. This story form is best when paired with mug shots.
Quick Profile
A profile on a person or organization broken down into short bits. This could be written by the person him/herself.
Explainer Photo
An illustration that breaks down the information contained in a photo. This form often includes portrait photos.
Items arranged in meaningful ways. This can include Top 10, checklists, commandments, things you don’t know about…, In/Out, Best/Worse and many more.
Instant Expert
A quick guide to a person, issue, activity, or product.
How To
Graphics, photos and text that breaks down a complicated activity. This includes specific directions on how to complete a task.
A group of reporters, experts or readers giving their opinions and responses about a specific subject.
Questions to test readers’ knowledge of a person, product, topic or activity.
The Story So Far
Items arranged chronologically that bring the readers up to speed quickly on a story or issue. This form works best with ongoing stories.
Definitions of key terms or jargon in a complicated story.