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Map the Impact
UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health aims to create a connected and powerful tool to portray maps, data and stories for educating and inspiring prospective students, current students, legislators, media, community partners, and donors.

Please visit our project website.

Getting started

The final product is available on a WordPress hosted website.

Tableau and Jupyter Notebook with python installed are required before developing this project. Tableau can be accessed either through its online version at here or its desktop version at here. If there is no existing Tableau account, the developer would need to sign up for a new account in order to access its services. Tableau is not a free software; however, it provides at least 7 days of free trial as of November, 2020.

Use Conda to create a new virtual environment:

conda create --name map_the_impact python=3.6

conda activate map_the_impact

Then use the package manager pip to install this project:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running locally:
After installation, follow steps in Jupyter notebook to process the datasets. Use Tableau to edit Tableau workbook.

Tableau is tested successfully on Tableau online and Tableau Desktop. Environment is tested successfully on Mac 10.14.6 and Windows 10

To run test, in the maptheimpact directory and run:

coverage run -m pytest #to run tests
coverage report #to generate coverage report

The final version of Tableau workbook is published to Tableau Public (registration needed) and then embedded into the UNC WordPress page using the iFrame plugin. For additional information on iFrame and UNC WordPress plugins, please contact ITS Digital Service.

Technologies used
Please visit our project website for architecture of the Map the Impact project.

Architecture Diagram
Architecture Diagram

To contribute to this private project, please visit our website for more information and contact our client.

COMP523 Team members and Team rules:

The main author for the python notebook file is Irene Zhan, for the test source code is Bowei Dong, and for the test datasets and tableau is Qingyu Sun.


We want to especially thank our mentor, Mike Lake, who met with us every week and gave us invaluable and honest opinions on our progress.