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Journal X Week 10/26-10/30

This week we met with our client, Naya, to address some possible ways of improvement we thought of. For inconsistencies we found between the latitude and longitude and the textual location information, Naya told us to base the location on textual information because the latitude and longitude were entered manually and could contain errors. Therefore, we updated the inconsistent latitude and longitude with approximate latitude and longitude based on the textual information. For the practicum projects, we originally did not have any latitude or longitude but now we generated approximate latitude and longitude information based on the textual data information. However, we found some invalid data that have city and country that do not correspond to each other, for example, the city cannot be found in the country. We will take out such data from the dashboard display for now.

We are also working on test coverage on the python code this week. We created three mock datasets to run the program and test various parts.