
Researching other Innovation Hubs across the country is a crucial step in enhancing operations at the Junction. I researched what these hubs were doing well and also identified areas where we could make improvements and integrate those ideas into our Junction.

This phase aligns with the “Empathize” stage of the design thinking process. By researching the experiences and successes that other Hubs have to offer, I gained insights into the needs of our own community. This empathetic understanding laid the groundwork for potential enhancements.

Collaboration played a key role. Working closely with a colleague from the Junction allowed us to collaborate on our perspectives and ideas. This effort mostly resonates with the “Ideate” stage of design thinking, where different ideas are thought out to provide essential information on improvements.

In summary, the research, collaboration, and presentation aspects of my internship were deeply rooted in the principles of design thinking. This process allowed us to enhance the Junction’s strategies, ensuring a more effective and responsive approach to innovation within our community.