To my Grandpa

Paw Paw you taught me a lot in the short 21 years I had with you. But there were three things in particular that I don’t think I’ll ever forget. The first was what hard work was and how if I wanted something in this life I’d have to work for it, it wasn’t going to be handed to me. The second thing was to Keep God at the center of your life. I remember the Saturdays that us grandkids would spend the night at yall’s house and you would always be up way before us, you had checked the barns or done something with the farm and by the time we woke up you were back in the house sitting at the table in the kitchen. We would all file in there to eat breakfast and then go get ready for church. (I mean we would always be a little behind because maw maw and you would be sitting in the car with us making jokes about how long she took) but you always took us to church, something I’m very thankful for. The last thing that you taught me was how I deserved to be loved. I’ve never seen someone love another person like you loved maw maw. You loved to get under her skin, always getting her fired up and you would just be grinning, you’d even throw us a wink when you did it. Your marriage is one I’ll forever look up to and I know it’s because of how much you loved her and how you weren’t afraid to show it. 

You were a quiet person who thought before you spoke and loved with everything you had. You not only told us how much you loved us but showed us too. You would never miss a basketball game and I knew you were there. (You would always be the loudest one screaming boo at the ref.) You would joke with me about Carolina and even though you gave me a hard time you would still wear Carolina blue at times. I will forever miss you and your corny jokes, tropical shirts, and how you called me your girl. I’ll miss your grins and winks, but I know I’ll get to see them again one day in heaven. Where we will go fishing and you’ll be healthy enough to play against me in basketball. I’ll love you forever, and I just pray I live my life like you, where any day could be my last. Have fun in heaven. I hope the crops grow well, you catch plenty of fish, and play a lot of rook.