Purpose in the Pause

It’s hard being alone, and I don’t mean the “I’m single and want a relationship” type of alone. I mean the type of alone where you spend most of your days by yourself. I’ve been experiencing this since I got home from college for the summer. I went from hanging out with someone or a group of people every single night to hanging out with people maybe once a week, and usually, it’s just my sister.

At first, I was upset. I missed my friends and having plans. But as time went on, I realized it was a blessing in disguise. I have more time to focus on my relationship with God, to really look at myself and my life, and try to become the woman God wants me to be. Sometimes people can become a distraction, and they don’t mean to. It’s not their fault. It’s human nature to want to be around other people. God said it himself in Genesis, we aren’t meant to be alone. But I think God can single us out sometimes to wake us up, to call us back to Him, and to help us realize that our relationship with Him should be the most important relationship we have.

So, maybe you’re home for the summer and can’t wait to be back with your friends, or you moved somewhere and miss your family. I want to encourage you to look at this time alone as a blessing instead of a bad thing. Ask God what He wants you to learn from this season and ask Him to help you grow not only as a person but as a Christian. Really use this time to focus on Him. Trust me, it’ll help you.