Finding Sunshine in the Rainy Moments

This year has been quite a challenge, marked by the painful loss of loved ones and the relentless demands of life. Finding the words to express my thoughts has been a struggle, especially with the approaching holidays. This season will be different; there will be an empty seat at the table, a void left by the absence of a loved one’s jokes, and the need for someone else to step in to cut the turkey. Despite these heartaches, I’ve realized God has given me so much to be thankful for. 

I am grateful for my family, and cherishing moments I’ve shared with those no longer with us. Amid the stress and fatigue, I am thankful for the opportunity to pursue an education at an awesome University.

Lately, I’ve been reading through the book of Job. While I haven’t read the full thing, the journey has taught me valuable lessons about gratitude and the kind of attitude I should maintain. Job, a biblical figure who endures immense loss, teaches us about trust and gratitude. Despite the hardships, Job acknowledges God’s hand in his life, expressing gratitude even in the face of profound loss, “Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell upon the ground, and worshiped…” Job 1:20 Now throughout the book Job has had moments where he has questioned if God was there, but he also put his trust in the one that holds tomorrow, thanking him for being in his life. 

Friend, I acknowledge that we all face battles that may be unknown to others, and there are times when we can’t seem to find anything to be thankful for. Yet, one thing remains certain- as long as we have a relationship with God, we have everything to be thankful for. We see his love for us through the sacrifice of his son on the cross, dying for our sins, so that we may have a way to spend eternity with him. 

If you don’t know or have a relationship with him, be thankful he’s given you time to have that. I encourage you all to name five things you’re thankful for during this season, maybe the list will be short. That’s okay! Just remember God loved you and there is always something to be thankful for, you may just have to dig a little deeper to find it. 

Psalm 107:1 “O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: For his mercy endureth for ever.”