Lessons from Momma

In the world today society likes to tell us females that we shouldn’t want to be feminine, that being feminine means we’re weak, inferior, or less than our male counterparts. Well, the bible shows us that being feminine is beautiful, it doesn’t make us weak. If anything, it makes us strong. I mean as women we have to deal with intense pains once a month, and the only way to get out of it is to give birth to a whole human, so yeah, I’d say we’re pretty strong. 

Many times, when someone tells someone, they are acting like a girl, or acting feminine they mean it as a negative. But the bible doesn’t explain women this way and neither does my mom. My mom has shown me that being a woman is a gift and that we should be proud to be one. My mom is the most beautiful woman I know, natural beauty too, just ask my dad. But it’s my mom’s character that makes her even more beautiful. My mom has shown me how to be courageous and stand up for what I believe in. She’s taught me when to say things and when to bite my tongue. She’s taught me how to work for what I want. But she’s also shown me how to be soft. How to love those who need it and how to be respectful. But most importantly she taught me how to pray, and how my relationship with God will be the most important relationship I will ever have. She’s taught me how to be the woman I am today.

In Proverbs 31 it talks about what a “good wife” acts like, but I believe this could apply to mothers as well. All of these things in this chapter define my mother, but there’s one verse that stands out to me, and that’s verse 26, “She openeth her mouth with wisdom; And in her tongue is the law of kindness.” My mother has lived her life, and in living her life she has wisdom, and wisdom she gives to me and my sister, even if sometimes we don’t want it. I’m thankful for the good godly woman I have as a mother, one who loves God and others and instills those characteristics in her daughters.

Mom, I’m thankful for every time you’ve been willing to listen to me rant about something crazy, cry over some stupid boy, (or test). Been there for every bad and good day. For the times you’ve picked me up when I thought I couldn’t do it on my own, and always being there to give me the best hugs. I truly don’t know what I would do without you in my life.