The 400-Year Wait

Sometimes life is hard, and it feels like God is nowhere to be found. It’s like you’re calling out to Him, but He seems a million miles away. That’s how I’ve felt over the past few weeks—like the more I reach out, the farther He seems.

This past Sunday, the preacher spoke on 2 Chronicles 36:5-15 which covers how several kings eventually did evil in the eyes of the Lord. The preacher highlighted two key points: first, the true King is always on His throne in heaven; second, we need to trust in God’s timing. It was a good message, but honestly, in the mood I was in, I thought, Yeah, I’ve been hearing about trusting His timing for years. Thanks. But then the preacher said something that really stood out to me—he mentioned the 400-year gap between the Old and New Testament. The last book of the Old Testament spoke of the coming Messiah, and then, there were 400 years of silence. He compared that gap to the waiting periods we go through, saying, “Maybe you’re in a waiting period that feels like that 400-year span.”

He was right. I felt like I was stuck in that silent period, waiting for God to speak to me. I left church that day feeling seen, but still not any closer to God. I won’t lie—I was bitter. I questioned why God wasn’t answering me or why I was going through what I was. You probably know that feeling, even if you don’t want to admit it.

To be honest, I hadn’t been reading my Bible like I should have. The only reason I opened it that Tuesday was because I had a devotion to read for my Bible study and needed to get it done. I wasn’t expecting to find anything. But God was looking for me.

As I did the study, I felt better, a little more refreshed, but still like God was distant. Then, my Bible app sent me the daily verse: Psalm 34:18—”The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

That’s when it hit me: God hadn’t been far away. He was right there all along, even if I couldn’t hear Him. He was with me for every tear I cried, every question I asked. And when I finally stopped trying to do it all on my own and fell at His feet, that’s when He revealed Himself to me. I had to let go of my pride and realize that, for Him to speak, I had to be willing to listen.

So, if you feel like you’re in that 400-year silent period, I know it’s tough. But keep trusting Him. Eventually, you’ll hear His voice loud and clear. Just keep looking up.