Living God’s Love

I’ve been in London for over a week to study abroad. During this time, it’s been a rollercoaster of emotions. I’ve had so much fun exploring the city and building relationships that will stay with me forever, but there are also moments when I miss my family, my home, and the comfort it brings. (Like air conditioning.) Looking back on this past week, I could tell you about many things God has been teaching me. However, there’s one thing that stands out. But first, you need some context to understand where I’m coming from.

I come from a small town where everyone waves or smiles as they pass by, but let me tell you, they don’t do that here in London. In the first few days, I was amazed at how few people smiled or waved; they just kept walking like they were on a mission. With that in mind, it was very hard for me to adapt. I felt like I was on an alien planet—until this past Sunday.

I have a friend from school who’s also a believer, and we decided to try a church here in London. It was big and different from what I’m used to, but boy, did I feel God in that place. The preacher spoke about Jonah and how he ran from what God wanted him to do. One thing he said stood out to me: like Jonah, we have to get going; what God has for us isn’t just for us. God showed Jonah who He was and how much He had in store for him, but He also saved many people through Jonah. And that’s what those people in that church did, without even realizing it. No, they didn’t save me, but they showed me that there are good people everywhere, people who love Jesus and want to share His love with others.

If I had only looked at the people on the sidewalk, I wouldn’t have seen the goodness of God in others. So, I want to challenge you to look at yourself. In your day-to-day life, would others see God’s love in you? Would they feel welcomed, or would they feel like running in the opposite direction? I know it’s hard to live this way in today’s world when life gets so busy and our worries and burdens pile up. But I’m thankful that those people in that church showed me their love for God—it made me feel less alone, especially in such a foreign place.

So, friend, I encourage you to put on your best game face, because you never know who might need to see it. It might even be someone you’ll never speak to.