Eyes On Grace

So, last semester was a bit of a roller coaster for me, especially with exams and this intense group project that determined my grade. So, after a particularly draining group meeting, I called my grandma for some moral support.

I asked her to pray for my sanity and success because I was seriously stressed out. And you know what she said? “Lilly, keep looking up.” That hit me hard, and then suddenly, I felt this weight lift off my shoulders.

Cutting to the chase, things worked out. The Lord came through, and I aced that class. Now, I’m sharing this because life has this knack for throwing curveballs, right? Sometimes, causing you to freeze, not sure where to go next. But if I’ve learned anything from my grandma and my Christian walk, it’s that we have to keep looking up. We as Christians aren’t meant for this world, we’re meant for another one. So, the walk we walk while being here isn’t going to be perfect and won’t be easy. That’s why we need to keep our eyes on the one that holds the day. 

So, if you’re starting a new semester or if you’re struggling with things, you don’t tell others about, I urge you to continue to look up, even when you’re not feeling like it.

And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:11