I’m currently pursuing my Master’s in Education at UNC-Chapel Hill with the goal of entering the Instructional Design field.

Undergraduate Experience
I’m originally from Yarmouth, Maine, and I graduated from the University of New England (UNE) in 2018 with a Bachelor’s in Elementary/Middle Education. During my time at UNE, I was one of five handpicked education students to participate as a 3D Printing Fellow through the Perloff Foundation. This experience sparked my interest in incorporating technology within learning platforms.
Teaching Career
After graduating from UNE, I taught fourth grade for three years at Winthrop Grade School in Winthrop, Maine. I maintained a positive learning community by focusing on building relationships within my classroom, which I believe is the core foundation for supporting student success. Teaching during the pandemic solidified my interest in incorporating technology within education, and I feel lucky to have taught within such a supportive community. Go Ramblers!
Why a Master’s?
My passion for helping students enjoy learning, having fun while learning, and creating memories led me to pursue a Master’s degree. I have always enjoyed learning new technologies and implementing them within my classroom. The Master’s of Educational Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship (MEITE) program at UNC-Chapel Hill combines my love of teaching and interest in technology.
Looking toward the Future
After graduating from the MEITE program, I hope to enter the Instructional Design field. I believe there’s a need for technology to be incorporated within learning experiences, and my goal is to develop learning platforms that teach others how to efficiently integrate technology within their organizations. Technology is growing fast, and learners, no matter their backgrounds, should all have opportunities to learn and grow from it.
Outside of Graduate School
In my free time, I enjoy reading, listening to music, going to concerts, and spending time with friends and family. I am also in the midst of learning American Sign Language (ASL) and teaching myself how to cook.