Teach the Teach

Teach the Teach is my capstone project to represent a culmination of the work I’ve learned during my year in the MEITE program. This project is still in the works, so please check back by July 2023 to view the project. Below, you can find my abstract to give you a sneak peak on what is to come.


Teach the Teach is an online learning course designed to support new teachers to overcome the challenges they face in their first years of teaching. Research shows that 17% of new teachers leave the profession within the first five years of teaching, and over 40% leave within the first year. In response, Teach the Teach aims to support educators to remain committed to the classroom past those first years by developing knowledge, skills, and dispositions in various areas including effective classroom management techniques and communication strategies. Teach the Teach is about gaining knowledge and implementing innovative learning activities such as a virtual classroom simulation where educators can practice effective classroom management skills and participate in peer mentoring sessions. In the course, educators will be assessed through quizzes, reflections, and project-based assignments. Teach the Teach offers a comprehensive learning experience that encompasses real-world scenarios new educators will encounter. With the support of this module, educators will earn a digital badge, a certificate of completion, and the support to feel more confident and equipped to face the challenges of teaching and stay in the profession.