As part of my Introduction to Learning Sciences course, I have designed a professional development plan aimed at integrating project-based learning into schools. Employing the principles of design thinking, I approached this project from a user-centered perspective, with a deep understanding of the needs and challenges faced by educators in the field.
To ensure the success of my professional development plan, I created a business model that outlines its structure, provides evidence-backed rationale for its efficacy, and details the key components necessary for its implementation. This included defining the customer segments, value proposition, channels, customer relationships, key resources, and cost and revenue streams required to bring this venture to life.
Subsequently, I presented a mock poster on this topic, which received positive feedback from my peers, leading to further iterations and development of the idea. Building on the original design, I transformed the focus from project-based learning to integrating technology into the classroom, while maintaining the key principles of user-centered design.
Throughout this process, I leveraged my expertise in education and research to empathize with and define the problems faced by teachers during professional development, allowing me to curate a specific scope and sequence for my professional development model. Through ideation, prototyping, and testing of alternative use-cases, I have continued to refine and enhance my professional development plan for integrating project-based learning and technology into schools.
Below you find the poster that I presented on integrating professional development on project-based learning in schools. This poster exemplifies the work that I did to define and test a solution to problems that many educators currently face during professional development sessions. If you would like to explore my work on this topic in more detail, please use the connection icons at the bottom of the page to reach out to me.