During my coursework in the Educational Innovation and Technology, Integrative Seminar, our class was tasked with creating educational entrepreneurial modules in the form of a free MOOC. My group’s module was designed to help educational entrepreneurs increase their entrepreneurial competency in goal setting, planning, and task management. We chose this competency based on the EntreComp: The Entrepreneurs Competence Framework authored by Bacigalup, Kampylis, Punie, and Van den Brande (2016). Through survey analysis, we found this competency to be foundational for achievement in the entrepreneurial setting and beyond. This course was developed using current research and multimedia design principles and is closely aligned to the Quality Matters Rubric to ensure learners’ success in the course.
To access this course, visit this Canvas link and use the login information below.
Username: jhrusso@ad.unc.edu / Password: Coursework123
Below you will find a gallery of the planning slides that my group utilized when forming our module. We utilized Lee and Hannafin’s (2016) Own it, Learn it, Share it framework to outline our course development. This framework is based on the principles of design thinking, which emphasizes empathy with the user, problem definition, ideation, prototyping, and testing.