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Why Join the Consortium?

Research and Education

Access the world-renowned Galapagos Science Center on San Cristobal Island, as well as research opportunities on mainland Ecuador, across South America, and in the Pacific Ocean.

Practical Support

Overcome international hurdles and navigate operational logistics in Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands with the Consortium’s expertise and connections.

Expanded Reach

Share your findings with a global audience with the help of our communications team.

Global impact

Collaborate with partners to develop solutions for challenged ecosystems worldwide.

Consortium Member Benefits

BenefitsDarwin Finch Engagement Level
Marine Iguana Founders Level
Giant Tortoise Leadership Level
Access to the GSC for researchers (per year)51020
Access to the GSC for students (per year)102040
Access to the GSC cyber infrastructure for research computingRegularPreferredPriority
Use of Biobank (upon availability)XX
Support for students/volunteer programsXX
Pilot grant funding opportunitiesUp to $15K/yrUp to $40K/yr
Research sabbatical opportunitiesXX
Organization of workshops with other Consortium partnersXX
Host donor visits to the GSCX
Sponsorship of the Galapagos Research & Conservation SymposiumX
Host a conference in the Galapagos (with GSC staff support)X

All Consortium partners also receive the following:

Administrative and research support

  • Administrative support for research and travel permits
  • Access to laboratories, lab coordinators, and Project Scientists
  • Use of laboratory equipment and supplies
  • Access to conference room, community room, office(s), and internet
  • Equipment, supply, and sample storage
  • Staff assistance with additional project activities in the laboratories
  • Staff assistance on field outings (cost per day)

Broader Impacts

  • Provide input on Center initiatives through regular member meetings
  • Participation in GSC working groups
  • Serve as a Guest Editor and/or chapter author of the Galapagos Book Series with Springer-Nature
  • Participation in the Annual Galapagos Research and Conservation Symposium