The world of learning and development has evolved significantly over the past few decades. With advancements in technology, there has been a shift in how training and education are delivered. Online learning has previously been managed in Learning Management Systems (LMSs), focusing on compliance or large-scale training programs. LMSs can be helpful for mandatory training, but in larger organizations with specialized positions, individual onboarding and skill training requires a more personalized approach. Platforms that allow for adaptive and personalized learning via content selection can reduce extraneous training time and focus on the most important skills for individuals to develop.

One such advancement has been the rise of Learning Experience Platforms (LXPs) and the impact of Learning Experience Platforms compared to LMSs in online learning models.
LXPs are digital platforms that use artificial intelligence to provide personalized learning experiences to individuals. These platforms are designed to provide users with a more engaging and interactive learning experience, which differs from the traditional LMS approach. LMSs focus on delivering and managing learning content, whereas LXPs provide users with an immersive and personalized learning experience.
One of the most significant impacts of Learning Experience Platforms is their ability to highly personalize the user’s curriculum. LXPs use machine learning algorithms to analyze a user’s learning history and deliver customized content recommendations based on their learning needs. Similar to Netflix or Goodreads recommendations for what to read or watch next, LXPs can suggest what to learn next. This means that individuals can get the most relevant content to them at the right time, increasing their engagement and knowledge retention.
Another ability of Learning Experience Platforms is their capacity to provide an online social learning environment. LXPs provide tools for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and communication between participants, making the learning experience more engaging and interactive. This, in turn, can foster community, creating a supportive and collaborative environment.
LXPs also provide analytics and reporting capabilities that allow organizations to track learners’ progress and identify areas for improvement. Learning & Development teams can then spend less time teaching organization-wide content and more time supporting specific learning goals or skill gaps found within the data. This helps organizations optimize their training programs and improve the ROI of their training investments.
Compared to traditional LMSs, Learning Experience Platforms have a higher return on investment for organizations. LXPs provide a more engaging and personalized learning experience, which results in better knowledge retention and higher learner satisfaction.
LXPs have transformed how learning and development concepts are delivered. They provide a more personalized and engaging learning experience, which can reduce turnover and improve upskilling and leadership development. Organizations that invest in LXPs in addition to LMSs can benefit from higher ROI on their learning and development investments, improved employee performance, and a positive impact on the bottom line.
At UNC Blue Sky Innovations, we are designing adaptive and personalized learning solutions to be used in LMSs or LXPs. The educational technology solutions we develop are grounded in theory and designed with the end user in mind.