Global Research From A Local Office

The time of Covid-19 has brought unprecedented challenges to all aspects of life. Coming to Gillings and being in the global health concentration, I knew from the start that I wanted to go abroad for my practicum. To me, it was meant to be a learning experience in research in another culture and how public health campaigns are approached across the world. With the travel restrictions brought on by the global pandemic, going abroad was no longer an option but as disappointing as that was initially, my practicum has brought me the experience I had once hoped to get.

My work for the summer is focusing on HIV partner testing in Zambia. The study I am a part of is researching methods of partner testing in order to encourage male partners to get tested for HIV with the long term impact of reducing HIV prevalence and improving treatment. As the nature of my work is mainly qualitative, I am learning not only about the HIV partner testing method but about the cultural background, challenges, attitudes, beliefs, and approaches to HIV testing and care for people in Zambia. In addition, I am strengthening my skills with Nvivo, a software for coding data- a definite benefit for future jobs and research prospects.

My summer office.
My summer office.

Like any good learning experience, the practicum so far has not been without its tough moments. Zambia is six hours ahead of North Carolina, allowing for a narrow window in the morning for me to conference with my team. Unfortunately, it usually means either some team members have to stay later in the office or I have to wake up much earlier. Luckily, I work with a wonderful team and the coordination of schedules never feels burdening. With regards to reading transcripts, I went through moments of ‘culture shock’. The approach of HIV care with respect to social structure and norms is quite different there, with aspects I’ve never seen in both the US and India. My first reaction was automatically to question “How is that even acceptable?”, but with the firm reminder for myself in concepts of cultural humility and global practice, I have really taken it as a learning experience and I am continuing to enrich myself through this practicum.

Overall, the practicum so far has been amazing and I feel lucky to have been trusted for taking on this role. I look forward to working with my team and learning more!


The Balancing Act of a Global Public Health Practicum Amid a Global Public Health Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged us to change our attitudes and behaviors radically, as both students of public health and members of society.  Together, we are bound by our collective anxieties and feelings of uncertainty.  As students of the field, many of us have been frustrated with the shortcomings of our country’s infrastructure and feel overwhelmed as we take note of areas which call for improvement.  Some of us have felt a personal sense of responsibility to contribute to the response at home, whether that be to volunteer at our local health department or learn how to make DIY face masks from Pinterest.  Regardless of which emotion is most predominant on any given day, each of us feels a great sense of confidence as we see how necessary our skills are during these trying times.

The shared workspace of my husband and I.
The shared workspace of my husband and I.

Like other students planning a global practicum, I was disappointed when I learned that my position in Zambia would be shifted to remote work.  However, I am grateful that through the UNC Gillings Zambia Hub under the mentorship of Dr. Stephanie Martin, I am able to work with an issue which I am so passionate about.  I will be working with the Scaling Up Nutrition Learning and Evaluation project (SUN-LE) which provides survey, research, evaluation, and dissemination services to Zambia’s Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) program.  SUN aims to reduce childhood stunting in Zambia through nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions.  I will be working to provide quantitative and qualitative analyses of the cross-sectional baseline survey as well as key informant interviews to identify key indicators of childhood stunting.

My four-month-old puppy, Tanooki, enjoying our post-lunch routine of frolicking through Merritt’s Pasture.
My four-month-old puppy, Tanooki, enjoying our post-lunch routine of frolicking through Merritt’s Pasture.

By establishing routines, setting internal deadlines, and scheduling virtual check-ins with my preceptor, I hope to make my practicum experience feel as “normal” as possible – but that’s not to say that it won’t come with challenges.  My wily four-month old German Shepherd/Lab (mutt) puppy named Tanooki forces me to break up my day with periodic sprints to the mailbox and back – but I’ve been relishing in all outdoor activities.  From running and biking on the American Tobacco Trail, to fishing (so far, without success) at Jordan Lake and swinging in my backyard hammock, I have come to appreciate now more than ever how essential fresh air and movement is for my productivity and overall sense of wellbeing.


My Remote Practicum Experience During a Global Pandemic

Working from home.
Working from home.

I was beyond excited when I was able to secure a practicum with the UNC Gillings Zambia Hub. As this was going to be my first time in East Africa, I could not help but count down the days. I looked forward to my trip, the practicum experience and spending the rest of my summer holidays with my family (I last saw nine months ago) back home in Ghana. I went as far as checking on flights and almost booked a ticket. So, you can just imagine my shock and disappointment when the news of the rampant spread of the pandemic and the possible closure of the borders was all over. This probably has been the time when I have prayed the most in my entire life for normalcy to resume. I have had mixed feelings ranging from anxiety, uncertainties, boredom, and loneliness.  The good news is that I have been able to make adjustment to my daily routines and faced the reality of working remotely from home.

Zoom check-in from my preceptor, Dr. Martin.
Zoom check-in from my preceptor, Dr. Martin.

For my practicum, I am working with my preceptor, Dr. Stephanie Martin, on the project “Engaging partners and families in HIV-focused postnatal care” in Lusaka, Zambia. This is a qualitative, formative research study aimed at examining the feasibility and acceptability of engaging male partners, grandmothers, and other family members to support HIV-positive mothers to practice recommended infant care and feeding practices, and to continue antiretroviral therapy. This qualitative study employs the use of Trial of Improved Practices (TIPS) methodology, a formative qualitative research approach. For this study, data collectors will need to be trained on TIPs and to counsel women and their families on infant feeding, care, and stimulation, and women’s ART adherence. TIPS involves an interviewer and participant together reaching an agreement on a solution or solutions having analyzed current practices and how they could be improved upon. Participants are given a trial period to assess the feasibility and acceptability of the intended practice. I am, however, helping to prepare the documents for the upcoming data collection activities and participate in secondary analysis of qualitative interviews with women and their male partners in Zambia and Malawi to understand the role of male partners in the prevention-of-mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT).

Regular check-ins from Dr. Martin and faculty mentor, Dr. Sian Curtis, have helped me stay focused and encouraged. To stay productive, I have a work schedule that I try to stick to taking breaks in between. In order to keep sane, I have been going for walks, visiting the lake, and recently started baking.

Visit to Crabtree Lake.
Visit to Crabtree Lake.

Amidst the uncertainties, I am grateful for good health, loved ones both far and near, practicum and the opportunity to be working remotely. I would say this pandemic is a blessing in disguise because it has made me realize that tomorrow is never promised and has taught me to adapt to situations, making the most of every opportunity. A note to my future self would be that “I am stronger than I seem, smarter than I think, and I am capable of anything that comes my way,” because at the end of the day, it always works out!
