Hello, my name is Nija Newton, an incoming second-year student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill obtaining a Master’s in Public Health with a concentration in Maternal, Child, and Family Health. This summer my practicum is with The Durham County Department of Public Health (DCoDPH), working with the population health division on the 2023 Community Health Assessment (CHA). These last weeks of my practicum have been nothing short of amazing! I have accomplished so much during my time there, as well as made so many connections. I was able to assist in the design and development of the Community Health Assessment (CHA) survey for Durham County residents. I recruited volunteers to help test and review the County-Wide and Communidad Latina survey for the CHA; I also conducted equitable survey testing for the CHA with Durham County residents. I was able to collaborate with external partners in Durham County to develop survey questions through a health equity lens, as well as research and create a data reference document with resources used for the CHA final report. I also developed a written consent form to test the CHA survey at Durham County Department of Public Health COVID vaccine clinic and so much more! I was able to gain so many new skills and gained a new sense of confidence for myself in the Public Health field, I am excited to see what my future holds.