Public Health in Paris


Bonjour from Paris! My name is Caroline Polito and I am an MPH candidate in the nutrition concentration. I just finished the second week of my practicum at the Centre of Research in Epidemiology and Statistics (CRESS), a department of Inserm, which is the French national institute of health and medical research. CRESS is in a university hospital located in Villejuif, which is south of Paris but not far by metro.

My first week was challenging, but I have already learned a lot. I arrived in France on June 15 and started my practicum on June 17, so I was dealing with jet lag while also adjusting to speaking French every day and learning to navigate the city. Suffice it to say, I was exhausted after the first week but am excited for what lies ahead. My practicum work is focused on a nutritional epidemiology topic, which includes a research and intervention design component. First, I am analyzing data from an observational cohort study to determine if there is an association between the consumption of growing up milk (a fortified milk given to children after breastfeeding cessation) in the second year of life and neurodevelopment. I am using R for the statistical analyses, which is new to me and quite different from Stata, but I’m getting the hang of it slowly but surely. After these analyses, I will develop an evidence-based nutrition flyer/handout for families with young children about how to prevent iron deficiency (since iron is a very important nutrient for neurodevelopment).

The research team at CRESS has been very kind and welcoming, and I’m grateful for their willingness to help when I’m stuck with R coding. Believe it or not, one of the doctoral students here is American and did her undergrad at UNC! It’s a small world, and I’m glad to have a fellow Tar Heel to talk to. I have had interesting conversations with members of the research team about public health/healthcare in France compared to the United States, and I look forward to learning more about public health in France during my practicum, as well as French culture and language. I am also excited to explore Paris and other parts of France on the weekends!


Public health messaging about smoking cessation on the hospital campus.
Waling around Paris (1st arrondissement) on a cloudy afternoon.