Joy and Complexity in the Congo

I imagine a variety of impressions come to mind when people hear about the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

With increasing awareness of the violence and humanitarian crisis in eastern DRC, likely attributed to an uptake of social media coverage and hashtags such as #freecongo, images of conflict are impressed upon many.

For others, the rhythmic strum of an acoustic guitar alongside the swift tempo of percussion, or resonant sound of the Likembe, tempt the sway of hips, impressing the lure of Congolese rumba and other popular genres.

An impression that pleases the tongue is the variety of dishes featuring cassava leaves, smoked fish, palm oil, peppers, plantains, and fluffy beignets.

There is also the thought of the largest expanse of rainforests in Africa containing ripe mangoes, intelligent Bonobo apes, and the ever flow of great waterfalls.

All these images and more come to mind when I think about the place of my heritage. My parents emigrated from the capital city of Kinshasa in the 80s and 90s. They envisioned a future with plentiful opportunities and great education for their children. I’ve seen their sacrifices reap many blessings for my siblings and me, as we each enjoy the quality of life they dreamed for us.

I grew up as what some would call a “third culture kid,” meaning my upbringing was influenced by my parent’s Congolese origin in addition to the American communities I inhabited. The cultures and traditions I uphold are an amalgamation of these influences, and I find myself somewhere in the middle, not always quite sure where I fit. So, when I had the chance to visit the DRC for the first time in 2022, I was ecstatic. It was my first time meeting my Koko (grandma and grandpa) and larger family, who I had only seen through mailed photos and spoken to through phone calls and eventually WhatsApp video calls. My first trip was a short 10 days and I felt that I was in both a familiar and foreign place.

During this second visit, I am spending five weeks in Kinshasa completing my practicum with the Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Ecology Lab, within the UNC School of Medicine’s Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases. As an MPH candidate in Applied Epidemiology, I am supporting hepatitis B virus (HBV) prevention work in the DRC. I support a project that targets pregnant mothers and infants for care, a subgroup highly impacted by HBV and facing many barriers to accessing healthcare and medication. My role is to ensure data quality and completeness, develop reports on the significance of community health workers in this effort, and document effective strategies for patient retention and follow-up.

Working in-person has been invaluable as I get to strengthen my French-language skills, witness how pregnant mothers are educated on HBV at the clinic and celebrate with the local team when babies are reported as not having contracted HBV. The joys are balanced with difficulty as I recall the cries of an inconsolable mother who lost her child soon after birth, and the frustration of not being able to retrieve a mother for follow-up visits.

Joys balanced with challenges has been the theme of these past few weeks. Being here is complex, as I revel in the stories of how my mom sold fish at the market and helped care for her siblings, while disheartened by the apparent poverty and trash-filled canals. I’m encouraged by the efforts of Congolese artists and influencers highlighting the beauty of this grand country on social media platforms, while discouraged by the lack of Congolese-owned industries and exploitation of resources. I enjoy laughter with my colleagues, adding light to gray skies permeated by pollution during the dry season.

Being of Congolese origin but American nationality, I continue to wrestle with where I fit in while I am here. Just as I consider the many facets of what the DRC represents, I am learning to accept that I also represent many things. While I am here for just a few weeks, I choose the posture of serving a people and a place near to my heart through public health.

Hepatitis B educational poster designed by the project team.
My preceptor and me in front of the poster.
Laughter, dancing, and Congolese rumba with colleagues.
Maternity center in the Binza health zone.
At the Bonobo ape sanctuary, the animal most genetically like humans.




Ethical Content Development in Tanzania with Nguzo Women and Youth Foundation

As I began the second half of my practicum in Tanzania, my focus shifted from finalizing the website as my first deliverable for Nguzo Women and Youth Foundation to content development.

The Director of Nguzo invited me to several events with a variety of Non-Governmental Organizations during the week leading up to International Day of the African Child. First, we went to Gabriela Rehabilitation Centre, where teams from local schools in the Hai District competed in the championship brackets in football, otherwise known as soccer in the United States. Although the occasion appeared to be sports-oriented, there was a strong component of celebrating community partnerships that support the process of establishing well-being and health education efforts across communities. The nonprofit leaders and local mothers (Mamas) invited me to play net ball with them, so I joined in despite not being able to understand any of the rules given in Swahili.

One of the most special moments was when I realized that my concern and care to be an ethical global health professional was received well by the community. On day one of my practicum, the Nguzo Women and Youth Foundation team gave me a nickname of “Manka,” which is a name from the Chagga tribes given to second-born children. After participating in events with local nonprofits, children, and their Mamas, they would all greet me with enthusiasm, saying “Manka!” and sometimes approaching for a hug. In these moments, I realized that a great measure of a community’s receptivity to the global health work you are doing is how they respond to your presence.

This day was a turning point in learning that global health work does not equate to being serious 100% of the time, as long as ethical choices are being made. People are smiling, so you might as well too. People are dancing, so you might as well too. Standing in a corner watching people at events is even more voyeuristic than joining in. If the community wants you there and you are doing intentionally ethical work, it is logical, permissible, and welcomed to join the fun and let memories be made, when invited.

Another event involved participating in a parade with children and a multitude of nonprofits and gathering for an assembly to celebrate International Day of the African Child. The Nguzo team asked me to capture content for marketing materials, which are essential for fundraising, partnership development, and recruitment of volunteers. On this occasion, I struggled to find a balance with ethical photography since so many people were involved and I was clearly one of very few people in the room who was visiting from another country. When cultural dances were performed by the children, I communicated with my preceptor to determine whether it was appropriate to record.

I returned to the office for the remainder of my practicum and developed videos for Nguzo’s social media based on the material gathered from the events. If you are interested in viewing them, the YouTube channel and Instagram accounts share the username of @Nguzo_WY_Foundation. I also worked with the Director to develop a set of interview questions for the team to answer for a clear description of Nguzo’s programming and communicate their desire for funding support to expand their movement. Piecing together this interview-based video was my second deliverable.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, I focused on sustainability. I developed a maintenance guide for the website, reviewed key points with my preceptor, and recorded an explanation of several editing procedures for the website. I compiled the ideas and future tasks that we brainstormed together as a team for the organization and ensured that the community partners and Non-Governmental Organizations from the events received the photos.

I am grateful for the brief time I shared with Nguzo Women and Youth Foundation and the team has expressed they are certain that my work will have a lasting impact on the future outlook of the organization.

If you are interested in learning more about Nguzo Women and Youth Foundation, please visit

Thank you for reading!

Kelsey Cohn

Public Health in Paris


Bonjour from Paris! My name is Caroline Polito and I am an MPH candidate in the nutrition concentration. I just finished the second week of my practicum at the Centre of Research in Epidemiology and Statistics (CRESS), a department of Inserm, which is the French national institute of health and medical research. CRESS is in a university hospital located in Villejuif, which is south of Paris but not far by metro.

My first week was challenging, but I have already learned a lot. I arrived in France on June 15 and started my practicum on June 17, so I was dealing with jet lag while also adjusting to speaking French every day and learning to navigate the city. Suffice it to say, I was exhausted after the first week but am excited for what lies ahead. My practicum work is focused on a nutritional epidemiology topic, which includes a research and intervention design component. First, I am analyzing data from an observational cohort study to determine if there is an association between the consumption of growing up milk (a fortified milk given to children after breastfeeding cessation) in the second year of life and neurodevelopment. I am using R for the statistical analyses, which is new to me and quite different from Stata, but I’m getting the hang of it slowly but surely. After these analyses, I will develop an evidence-based nutrition flyer/handout for families with young children about how to prevent iron deficiency (since iron is a very important nutrient for neurodevelopment).

The research team at CRESS has been very kind and welcoming, and I’m grateful for their willingness to help when I’m stuck with R coding. Believe it or not, one of the doctoral students here is American and did her undergrad at UNC! It’s a small world, and I’m glad to have a fellow Tar Heel to talk to. I have had interesting conversations with members of the research team about public health/healthcare in France compared to the United States, and I look forward to learning more about public health in France during my practicum, as well as French culture and language. I am also excited to explore Paris and other parts of France on the weekends!


Public health messaging about smoking cessation on the hospital campus.
Waling around Paris (1st arrondissement) on a cloudy afternoon.