About Name, Image, and Likeness

What is Name, Image, and Likeness?
Name image and likeness refers to a new NCAA policy that allows athletes to benefit off of their name, image, and likeness. This may provided student athletes the opportunity to grow their personal brand and be given revenue generating opportunities without it impacting their eligibility within college athletics
What does the Name, Image and Likeness (NIL) Department do?
The Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) Department at the University of North Carolina is a branch of the Compliance Department. They specifically deal with supporting UNC student-athletes in pursuing Name, Image, and Likeness activities in a way that is responsible and does not violate NCAA policy. This is important because student athletes may loose eligibility if Name, Image, and likeness policies are infringed. This may mean that they may not be able to participate in a athletic season of their corresponding sport.
Current Responsibilites
- Gather information on other schools and what they are doing in the NIL Space
- Voice improvements the NIL Department can make
- Create spreadsheets with research on Apparel Partners
- Participate in meetings with companies that are interested in collaborating with UNC athletes
- Creating timelines for upcoming NIL Events